Clinical Applications of Nanotechnologies in the Field of Cancer

Catalonia and the French regions of the Grand Sud-Ouest, the Auvergne, and the Rhône Alpes are well known for their cutting-edge projects in the clinical application of nanotechnology in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The clinical and technological researchers in this area have created a collaboration network, and a number of teams are working together on pluridisciplinary projects.

IBEC expands its research program with a new line of stem cell investigation

The control of stem cell potency is the line of research most recently incorporated into the IBEC program under the leadership of Ángel Raya, a research professor at the Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA). This project, which represents an expansion of the institute’s work in the field, now forms part of IBEC’s Cellular Biotechnology research program.

UK-Iberia Nanomedicine Workshop

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office Science and Innovation Network and the Spanish Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (Nanomed Spain) have organized the UK-Iberia Nanomedicine Workshop. The meeting will be host at the British Embassy in Madrid on Dec 10th and 11th.

New IBEC Research Facility

As part of its current strategic plan, the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) is opening a new facility to accommodate four of its fifteen research teams.

(Descoberta una funció de la proteïna priònica neuronal que permet conèixer més l’epilèpsia)

Cellular prion protein (PrPc) plays an essential role in maintaining neurotransmitter homeostasis in the central nervous system. This discovery has been made possible by the observation that both a deficiency and an excess of the protein have a considerable effect on this homeostasis.

Sorprenentment, en tots dos cassos, el llindar del sistema nerviós central s’altera arribant a nivells que poden conduir a crisis epilèptiques. Amb aquest descobriment, es disposa de més elements per aprofundir en el coneixement bàsic de l’epilèpsia.