2nd IBEC symposium held in Barcelona

Scientists from Europe and the United States gathered at the World Trade Center in Barcelona for the 2nd Annual Symposium of the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia, and presented details of their most recent research work in the areas of bioengineering and nanomedicine.

2nd IBEC Symposium in Barcelona

Scientists from Europe and the United States will gather at the World Trade Center in Barcelona for the Second Annual Symposium of the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, to present details of their most recent research projects in the fields of bioengineering and nanomedicine.

Leading U.S. researcher in IBEC seminar

Dr. Mina Bissell, from the Life Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, in California, will be the speaker at a special IBEC Seminar organised for this coming Wednesday 25th March, on the theme of “Tissue Architecture is the message: The role of extracellular matrix and organ architecture”.

Samuel Stupp visits IBEC

Dr Samuel Stupp, member of IBEC´s International Scientific Committee, visited the Institute’s headquarters in Barcelona for the first time. The one-day visit, on Friday 21st of November, started with a meeting with doctor Josep Planell and Abel Riera, director and managing director of IBEC, respectively. Also present at the meeting were Teresa Sanchis and Arantxa Sanz, scientific project managers.

Spin-off del IBEC es noticia en La Vanguardia

“El ruido de la neuronas” es el título de un artículo publicado  por el diario La Vanguardia de Barcelona sobre el trabajo que desarrolla la empresa Aleria Biodevices, una spin off surgida del Instituto de Bioingeniería de Cataluña (IBEC), encabezada por el ingeniero Enric Claverol, líder del grupo de Neuroingeniería.