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Thematic Network Workshop: “AI for Bioengineering”

Divendres, novembre 8 @ 9:00 am1:00 pm

Thematic Network Workshop: “AI for Bioengineering”

Today, healthcare technology collects a huge amount of raw data whose interpretation and analysis are beyond human capabilities. AI integration into bioengineering and personalized medicine is crucial to allow complex data analysis, to enhance predictive models, to integrate multiscale data, and to automate tasks. These capabilities are vital for advancing biological understanding and disease management.

IBEC “Artificial Intelligence for Bioengineering” Thematic Network (NET-AI) aims to equip IBEC researchers with knowledge about the latest machine learning (ML) techniques for bioengineering and create a specialized ML toolkit tailored for IBEC’s needs. Through a series of designed workshops, NET-AI aims to address common challenges and integrate machine learning at IBEC.

The aim of this first workshop is to explore and share AI use cases and needs within IBEC groups. Each group will have the opportunity to present its AI use cases and needs. Groups willing to participate should prepare a brief presentation (10-15 min max). After the presentations, we will engage in an open discussion to exchange ideas and identify future opportunities for collaboration and workshops.

Join us to shape the next steps in AI for bioengineering together!
Workshop held in the framework of the IBEC Thematic Networks.



09:00   –   Welcome and introduction

09:15   –   Presentations by the network groups

10:30   –   Coffee break

10:50   –   Presentations by other IBEC groups

11:45   –   Roundtable discussion

13:00   –   Closure


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Divendres, novembre 8
9:00 am–1:00 pm
Categoria d'Esdeveniment:


Sala Baobab, Tower I, Floor 11
Baldiri i Reixac
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