Professional and Personal Development

  1. Esdeveniments
  2. Professional and Personal Development

Vistes de navegació

Navegació de visualitzacions Esdeveniment


Leadership in Action

Every organisation needs great leadership. Dynamic and purposeful leaders can literally change the world. In academia the very best leaders are self-aware, skilful communicators with excellent people skills. This course is designed to develop leadership skills for postdocs and focusses on identifying and honing everyone’ personal leadership style. It will bring leadership to all aspects of your ... Read more

Leadership in Action

Every organisation needs great leadership. Dynamic and purposeful leaders can literally change the world. In academia the very best leaders are self-aware, skilful communicators with excellent people skills. This course is designed to develop leadership skills for postdocs and focusses on identifying and honing everyone’ personal leadership style. It will bring leadership to all aspects of your ... Read more

Mindfulness for improved self-mastery & resilience

IBEC, floor 11, Tower I Baldiri Reixac 4-8, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

Workshop of two ½ day sessions will feature the benefits of mindfulness, a tool to develop self-efficacy and improve stress management and resilience. This training is based on the MBSR (Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction, Center for Mindfulness, Univ. Massachusetts) program and has been designed as an experiential and interactive workshop, aiming to guide participants towards self-reflection ... Read more

Mindfulness for improved self-mastery & resilience

IBEC, floor 11, Tower I Baldiri Reixac 4-8, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

Workshop of two ½ day sessions will feature the benefits of mindfulness, a tool to develop self-efficacy and improve stress management and resilience. This training is based on the MBSR (Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction, Center for Mindfulness, Univ. Massachusetts) program and has been designed as an experiential and interactive workshop, aiming to guide participants towards self-reflection ... Read more