Social / Internal / PhD Committee

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  2. Social / Internal / PhD Committee

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IBEC Christmas Party 2017

Fifteen Restaurant PCB

Please save the date for now, and registration will open soon.

IBEC Christmas Party 2017

Fifteen Restaurant PCB

Please save the date for now, and registration will open soon.

IBEC Christmas Party 2017

Fifteen Restaurant PCB

Please save the date for now, and registration will open soon.

Christmas Party 2023

Fifteen Restaurant PCB

There’ll be food, drink, music and some fun surprises at this most wonderful time of the year! Venue Fifteen restaurant (PCB) Programme 20:00 - 21:00 · Sale of raffle tickets 20:00 - 22:00 · Christmas appetizer 22:00 · Raffle and party 00:30 · End When you register, you’ll have a chance to choose a charity ... Read more