IBEC Seminar

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  2. IBEC Seminar

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IBEC Seminar: Enabling technologies for biofabrication of functional materials and biomimetic environments

Enabling technologies for biofabrication of functional materials and biomimetic environments Dr. Alvaro Mata, Director of the Institute of Bioengineering at Queen Mary University of London The talk will present novel self-assembling and printing technologies enabling the fabrication of 2D and 3D bioactive and/or biomimetic materials for potential application in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and in ... Read more

IBEC Seminar: Stijn Mertens

Electrochemical surface science of TiO2 rutile (110), graphene and boron nitride Stijn Mertens, TU Wien, Institute of Applied Physics / KU Leuven, Chemistry DepartmentThe rational design of catalysts and other functional materials requires an atomic-level understanding of their structure and of the interface to supporting surfaces. I will present an in situ electrochemical STM study ... Read more