IBEC Seminar

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  2. IBEC Seminar

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IBEC seminar: Isaac Gállego

DNA Nanotechnology: from its Applications to the Self-Assembly in Alternative Solvents

IBEC Seminar: Publishing in the Nature journals

Sala Félix Serratossa Parc Científic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Alexia-Ileana Zaromytidou, Chief Editor of Nature Cell Biology will provide an editor’s perspective on the editorial and publishing process in the Nature journals.

IBEC Seminar: Publishing in the Nature journals

Sala Félix Serratossa Parc Científic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Alexia-Ileana Zaromytidou, Chief Editor of Nature Cell Biology will provide an editor’s perspective on the editorial and publishing process in the Nature journals.

IBEC Seminar: Nanobio-technology for drug delivery: fundamental aspects and translational applications

Nanobio-technology for drug delivery: fundamental aspects and translational applications Dr. Silvia Muro, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA The design of targeting and carrier strategies to enable delivery of therapeutic or diagnostic agents to areas of the body requiring intervention is an active research field. Therapeutic and diagnostic targets are often confined to specific ... Read more