PhD Thesis Defence

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  2. PhD Thesis Defence

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PhD Thesis Defence: Aida Garrido

Sala de Graus - Campus de Bellvitge

Optical control of endogenous receptors and cellular excitability with light Aida Garrido, Nanoprobes and nanoswitches group Light-controlled manipulation of neuronal activity has transformed the field of neurobiology. Light provides temporal and spatial resolution over activation or inhibition of targeted populations of neurons, one single neuron or single synapses. Such precision could be achieved with optogenetics, ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Martí Checa

Eduard Fontseré - Facultat de Física de la UB

A Novel Scanning Probe Microscopy technique to study the nanoscale electrical properties of cells Martí Checa, Nanoscale bioelectrical characterization group The goal of this work of thesis is the study of electrical properties in cells. That is the study of how they can conduct electricity, accumulate charges, or polarize. Experimental techniques able to measure electrical ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Martí Checa

Eduard Fontseré - Facultat de Física de la UB

A Novel Scanning Probe Microscopy technique to study the nanoscale electrical properties of cells Martí Checa, Nanoscale bioelectrical characterization group The goal of this work of thesis is the study of electrical properties in cells. That is the study of how they can conduct electricity, accumulate charges, or polarize. Experimental techniques able to measure electrical ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Martí Checa

Eduard Fontseré - Facultat de Física de la UB

A Novel Scanning Probe Microscopy technique to study the nanoscale electrical properties of cells Martí Checa, Nanoscale bioelectrical characterization group The goal of this work of thesis is the study of electrical properties in cells. That is the study of how they can conduct electricity, accumulate charges, or polarize. Experimental techniques able to measure electrical ... Read more

PhD Thesis defense: Helena Lozano

Electrical and topographical study of bacterial appendages at the nanoscale Helena Lozano, Nanoscale bioelectrical characterization group Some bacteria can exchange electrons with non-soluble electron acceptors, such as minerals. This phenomenon is called Extracellular Electron Transfer (EET) and it can be done through several mechanisms, especially through conductive bacterial nanowires. The main objective of this thesis ... Read more

PhD Thesis defense: Martina Maier

The principles of advanced virtual reality-based neurorehabilitation Martina Maier, SPECS group How the training in virtual reality and based on principles can support the recovery and diagnosis of disabilities after stroke. This thesis defense will take place on Monday, September 21st, at 11:00 hours. Location: The defense will be online. People are invited to attend upon ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defense: Dolores Blanco

Noninvasive multimodal analysis of thoracic bioimpedance and myographic signals for the assessment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Dolores Blanco, Biomedical Signal Processing and Interpretation Chronic respiratory diseases cause morbidity and premature mortality in adult population. In particular, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) represents a socioeconomic burden worldwide. COPD is usually evaluated by a spirometry test ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defense: Jesús Ordoño

Sala d'Actes de la Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística (FME) Carrer de Pau Gargallo, Barcelona, Spain

Lactate: unraveling the regenerative potential for cardiac tissue engineering Jesús Ordoño, Biometerials for regenerative therapies grouop This thesis defense will take place on the 25th November at 12.00 at Sala d'Actes de la Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística (FME), Campus Diagonal Sud. It is possible to attend to this defense but it will also be ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defense: Arnau Biosca

Discovery of protein aggregation in Plasmodium parasites and development of a combinational antimalarial therapy at the nanoscale Arnau Biosca, Nanomalaria Group This thesis defense will take place ONLINE on the 4th December at 11.00 using the "BB Collaborate" streaming platform.

PhD Thesis Defense: Javier Rodriguez Benítez

Characterization and interpretation of cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory dynamics in cardiomyopathy patients Javier Rodriguez Benítez, member of Biomedical Signal Processing and Interpretation (BIOSPIN) Group  Friday 4th December 2020, at 11.00 am This defense will be transmitted online at Google meet, using this link