Vistes de navegació

Navegació de visualitzacions Esdeveniment


PhD Thesis defence: Javier Burgués

Sala de Graus Eduard Fontseré Faculty of Physics, UB, Barcelona, Spain

"Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Gas Sensors: Gas Source Localization with a Nano-Drone". Javier Burgués, Signal and information processing for sensing systems group Chemical source localization (CSL) by autonomous robots has been a topic of research since the early 1990s and still today remains elusive beyond simple scenarios. It has numerous potential applications, such as ... Read more

PhD Thesis defence: Javier Burgués

Sala de Graus Eduard Fontseré Faculty of Physics, UB, Barcelona, Spain

"Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Gas Sensors: Gas Source Localization with a Nano-Drone". Javier Burgués, Signal and information processing for sensing systems group Chemical source localization (CSL) by autonomous robots has been a topic of research since the early 1990s and still today remains elusive beyond simple scenarios. It has numerous potential applications, such as ... Read more