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BMBC meeting

Divendres, abril 12, 2024 @ 3:00 pm5:00 pm

Please mark your calendars! The next BMBC meeting will be held on Friday 12th of April 2024, from 3-6pm at PRBB, Marie Curie Room.


For this edition we will have an external speaker, Michael Healy from Queensland University, Australia. Michael is a postdoc in the group of Brett Collins, and he has recently published the structure of the whole Commander complex, involved in endosomal recycling to the plasma membrane (Healy et al., Cell, 2023). We’re sure his talk will be highly interesting for the whole community and we strongly count on your participation.

We further thank Albert Pol who invited Michael and Oriol Gallego who is hosting him at PRBB for the help in coordinating Michaels talk with our BMBC event.

Here is a preliminary program

15h – 15h45 Michael Healy (Brett Collins group, Queensland University)

Unravelling the Molecular Architecture of the Commander Complex. 

15h45 – 16h15 Jessica Angulo-Capel (Felix Campelo lab, ICFO)

Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Protein Export at the Golgi Apparatus Resolved by Single Particle Tracking

16h45-17h15 Albert Herms (Albert Pol group, IDIBAPS-UB)

Epithelioids: Self-sustaining 3D epithelial cultures to study long-term cellular processes

17h15-17h45 Laura Ferigle (Raúl Estévez group, IDIBELL-UB)

Insights into MLC pathophysiology by biochemical and structural studies


More details will follow soon. Feel free to visit our website and advertise it to your colleague, they can read the program there and subscribe to the googlegroup.

BMBC | bmbc (

Looking forward to see many of you there!

Mostra els detalls

Divendres, abril 12, 2024
3:00 pm–5:00 pm
Categoria d'Esdeveniment:
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PRBB (Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona), Marie Curie Room (PRBB inner square)