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IBEC Seminar: Herbert Levine

Dimarts, novembre 22, 2016 @ 3:00 pm4:00 pm

Models of individual and collective cell motility

Herbert Levine, Director, Center for Theoretical Biological Physics (CTBP), Rice University, Houston

Eukaryotic cells can move either individually or collectively and this property is crucial for many biological functions. Often cells use directional information to decide on their direction; for single cells this can take the form of chemical or mechanical gradients. For collective motion, additional information can be obtained from neighboring cells through such processes as the contact inhibition of locomotion. Our group develops a variety of computational models for studying actin-based crawling motions. These models range from rather complex and detailed at the single cell levels to simple reduced representations that can handle tissue-level processes. This talk will focus on out recent progress in this direction, specifically on collective chemotaxis of cellular clusters and the role of contact inhibition in the mechanical state of expanding tissues.

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Dimarts, novembre 22, 2016
3:00 pm–4:00 pm
Categoria d'Esdeveniment:
