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Seminar “The Canadian health research following COVID-19 pandemic – artificial intelligence (AI), generative systems, quantum computing and beyond”
Dimarts, maig 14, 2024 @ 3:00 pm–5:00 pm
We are glad to invite you to this seminar organized by IBEC where Marek W. Radomski, Vice-Dean Research College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada will talk about the Canadian health research following COVID-19 pandemic, the next Tuesday 14th of May at 15h at the Faculty of Medicine Clinic (UB).
Marek W. Radomski,
Vice-Dean of Investigation College of Medicine, University of Saskatchwan, Saskatoon, Canada and President of The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada, Vice-Deans Research Committee.
He has developed his research career in Poland, the United Kingdom and Ireland (both in a pharmaceutical company and at Trinity College in Dublin), at the University of Houston and in Canada (in two universities)
The Canadian health research following COVID-19 pandemic – artificial intelligence (AI), generative systems, quantum computing and beyond.
The COVID-19 pandemic claimed millions of lives worldwide and greatly disrupted societal fabric across the globe.
Despite amazing achievements of vaccine research and development many areas of health research have been adversely affected by limitations caused by pandemic.
However, AI, generative systems and quantum computing are examples of a postpandemic research acceleration with substantial health research and service potentials.
The presentation will focus on these challenges and opportunities through the lens of the College of Medicine University of Saskatchewan and of the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada.