IBEC Seminar: Maria João Amorim

Advances in understanding and manipulating influenza A virus liquid inclusions Maria João Amorim, PhD, Group Leader, Cell Biology of Viral Infection Lab, Católica Biomedical Research Centre, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, and Instituto … Read more

IBEC Seminar: Sabina Quader

Nanomedicine to Tackle Unmet Medical Needs in CNS Disorders Sabina Quader, Innovation Center of NanoMedicine (iCONM), Kawasaki Institute of Industrial Promotion, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0821 Japan The brain is undoubtedly the body’s … Read more

IMAB closure project (Catalan)

As part of IBEC’s science education initiatives, this year we have been running the IMAB project, which aims to bring the latest advances in bioengineering in organ and tissue regeneration … Read more

IBEC Seminar: Shahid Uddin

Developability assessment of biologics and formulation of novel molecules Shahid Uddin, PhD, MBA, Senior Director of Drug Product, Formulation & Stability within the CMC department at Immunocore, UK It’s vital to ensure … Read more

Second Hand Exchange Market

To celebrate the World Environment Day (5 June) IBEC’s Sustainability Committee is organizing a second-hand exchange market! You can bring those pieces of clothing and lab materials that are clean … Read more

Descobreixen com la física de les cèl·lules de càncer colorectal contribueix a la metàstasi

Un estudi liderat per l’IBEC ha demostrat la capacitat de les cèl·lules mare de càncer colorectal per canviar les seves propietats mecàniques, facilitant l’èxit del procés metastàsic. Ho han fet utilitzant organoides de tumors a partir de cèl·lules de pacients. Aquests descobriments podrien contribuir al desenvolupament de noves estratègies per tractar i prevenir la metàstasi en el càncer colorectal.