Research Assistant on Therapy resistance and immune evasion on a novel MNK inhibitor (PPCC-MnkImmunOnco)
Ref: PPCC-MnkImmunOnco/ Deadline: 08/05/2023
Ref: PPCC-MnkImmunOnco/ Deadline: 08/05/2023
Amb aquestes paraules Josep Samitier inaugurava la setmana passada l’esdeveniment d’homenatge a Josep A. Planell, un dels fundadors i el primer director de l’IBEC, per una vida sencera dedicada a … Read more
Mastering communication between synthetic or hybrid materials with tissues is one of the grand challenges of contemporary biomedical systems that our society demands. We want to uncover design rules to … Read more
Despite significant advances in cancer diagnosis and treatment, most targeted cancer therapies fail to achieve complete tumor regressions or durable remission. Understanding why these treatments are not always efficient has remained a main challenge for researchers and physicians. Now, Joan Montero from the IBEC and colleagues at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical School in USA report in Nature Communications a mechanism that uncovers why some therapies fail to treat melanoma.
“Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Gas Sensors: Gas Source Localization with a Nano-Drone”. Javier Burgués, Signal and information processing for sensing systems group Chemical source localization (CSL) by autonomous robots … Read more
En l’esdeveniment, que ha tingut lloc aquesta setmana en l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans, s’han fet públics els resultats dels 79 equips de recerca que han dut a terme els 44 projectes finançats per aquesta edició del programa, on s’han exposat un conjunt d’avanços dirigits a dissenyar noves eines de prevenció i diagnòstic, així com nous enfocaments terapèutics per a millorar l’esperança i la qualitat de vida dels pacients amb una malaltia neurodegenerativa.
Rehabilitation to recover speech after brain damage is efficient, provided that it is carried out intensively, and can be included in relevant behavioural tasks. However, limited resources in healthcare systems cannot always provide said treatment in sufficient doses. Achieving a cost-effective, evidence-based rehabilitation method is one of the objectives targeted by the SPECS research group.
La campanya del programa Faster Future “Pel Parkinson”, que es llança avui i que romandrà oberta fins al 30 d’abril, té per objectiu recaptar els 50.000€ necessaris per a accelerar aquesta recerca, esperant obtenir resultats favorables en un termini d’any i mig.