Joan Montero and colleagues in Boston suggest a new strategy for melanoma patients

IBEC researcher Joan Montero authors a paper in Nature Communications which uncovers a key adaptation that melanoma cancer cells use to evade current therapies. This finding might allow physicians to use better drug combinations to improve patient outcomes in the future.

Despite significant advances in cancer diagnosis and treatment, most targeted cancer therapies fail to achieve complete tumor regressions or durable remission. Understanding why these treatments are not always efficient has remained a main challenge for researchers and physicians. Now, Joan Montero from the IBEC and colleagues at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical School in USA report in Nature Communications a mechanism that uncovers why some therapies fail to treat melanoma.

Nou avenç en la millora del tractament del càncer de pulmó avançat

Un equip de recerca liderat per Jordi Alcaraz, professor agregat del Departament de Biomedicina de la Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut de la UB i investigador associat en l’IBEC, en col·laboració amb l’Hospital Clínic i la companyia farmacèutica Boehringer Ingelheim, ha identificat els mecanismes moleculars que podrien contribuir a dissenyar noves estratègies terapèutiques per ampliar el benefici clínic d’un fàrmac a un major espectre de pacients amb càncer de pulmó

PhD Thesis defence: Javier Burgués

“Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Gas Sensors: Gas Source Localization with a Nano-Drone”. Javier Burgués, Signal and information processing for sensing systems group Chemical source localization (CSL) by autonomous robots … Read more