PhD Thesis Defence

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  2. PhD Thesis Defence

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PhD Thesis Defence: Víctor González Tarragó

Faculty of Medecine

Control of integrin-mediated mechanoresponse by binding partners and force loading rates Víctor González Tarragó, Cellular and Molecular Mechanobiology group Víctor González Tarragó will be defending his PhD thesis on Thursday 11th July at 12:00 in the at the Faculty of Medicine (Campus Clínic) aula 14. Everybody is welcome to attend. — If you’re an IBEC ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Víctor González Tarragó

Faculty of Medecine

Control of integrin-mediated mechanoresponse by binding partners and force loading rates Víctor González Tarragó, Cellular and Molecular Mechanobiology group Víctor González Tarragó will be defending his PhD thesis on Thursday 11th July at 12:00 in the at the Faculty of Medicine (Campus Clínic) aula 14. Everybody is welcome to attend. — If you’re an IBEC ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Víctor González Tarragó

Aula 14, Faculty of Medicine (Campus Clínic) Barcelona, Spain

Control of integrin-mediated mechanoresponse by binding partners and force loading rates Víctor González Tarragó, Cellular and Molecular Mechanobiology group This thesis is a study on the integrin-mediated mechanoresponse by binding partners and force loading rates. Regarding the binding partners, here we demonstrate an alternative and counter-intuitive mechanism, by which another adaptor protein (ZO-1) promotes activation ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Carlos Pérez González

Active forces driving spreading and retraction of living tissues Carlos Pérez González, Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics group

PhD Thesis Defence: Carlos Pérez González

Active forces driving spreading and retraction of living tissues Carlos Pérez González, Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics group

PhD Thesis Defence: Jordi-Ysard Puigbó

Learning mechanisms of uncertainty and neuromodulation Jordi-Ysard Puigbó, Synthetic, Perceptive, Emotive and Cognitive Systems (SPECS) group Supervisors: Dr. Paul F.M.J Verschure (IBEC) and Dr. Miguel Ángel González Ballester Committee: President: Dr. Gustavo Deco (UPF) Secretary: Dr. Andrea Soltoggio (Loughborough Univ.) Member: Dr. Yves Boubenec (ENS)  

PhD Thesis Defence: Jordi-Ysard Puigbó

Learning mechanisms of uncertainty and neuromodulation Jordi-Ysard Puigbó, Synthetic, Perceptive, Emotive and Cognitive Systems (SPECS) group Supervisors: Dr. Paul F.M.J Verschure (IBEC) and Dr. Miguel Ángel González Ballester Committee: President: Dr. Gustavo Deco (UPF) Secretary: Dr. Andrea Soltoggio (Loughborough Univ.) Member: Dr. Yves Boubenec (ENS)  

PhD Thesis Defence: Jordi-Ysard Puigbó

Learning mechanisms of uncertainty and neuromodulation Jordi-Ysard Puigbó, Synthetic, Perceptive, Emotive and Cognitive Systems (SPECS) group Supervisors: Dr. Paul F.M.J Verschure (IBEC) and Dr. Miguel Ángel González Ballester Committee: President: Dr. Gustavo Deco (UPF) Secretary: Dr. Andrea Soltoggio (Loughborough Univ.) Member: Dr. Yves Boubenec (ENS)  

PhD Thesis Defence: Carlos Pérez González

Hospital Clínic Sala 7, Barcelona

Active forces driving spreading and retraction of living tissues Carlos Pérez González, Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics group Development, regeneration and cancer involve drastic transitions in tissue morphology. In analogy with the behaviour of inert fluids, some of these transitions have been interpreted as wetting transitions. The validity and scope of this analogy are unclear, ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Carlos Pérez González

Hospital Clínic Sala 7, Barcelona

Active forces driving spreading and retraction of living tissues Carlos Pérez González, Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics group Development, regeneration and cancer involve drastic transitions in tissue morphology. In analogy with the behaviour of inert fluids, some of these transitions have been interpreted as wetting transitions. The validity and scope of this analogy are unclear, ... Read more