IBEC als mitjans
“Biomimética: Naturaleza replicada”
En un de dues pàgines La Vanguardia parla avui sobre biomimètica i com els cientifics estan replicant processos de la natura en camps com el de la nanotencologia, l’enginyeria, la robotica, la química i la ciència de materials.
“Robots de la mida d’un virus”
El Periódico publica una entrevista amb Samuel Sànchez parlant del Premio Fundación Princesa de Girona Investigación Científica 2015 que va rebre la setmana pasada.
“Estudiem les infeccions de l’intestí de la bacteria E.coli”
Eduard Torrents, qui lidera el grup del IBEC Infeccions Bacterianes: terapies antimicrobianes, apareix a un article al Diari de Terrasa parlant sobre el seu treball en el que es va identificar un factor important en la infecció de E.coli obrint el camí al desenvolupament de nous fàrmacs dirigits.
“Espanya entra al projecte europeu EIT sobre salut”
Un article i una entrevista amb Josep Samitier a El Mundo presenta el EIT Health i el node Espanyol.
T5: Informativo Matinal, 17/03/15
IBEC research was highlighted in the morning news on Telecinco today when new group leader Samuel Sánchez’s nanorobots were presented as a potential future substitute for chemotherapy.
Saber Vivir programme: Día de Riñon
IBEC’s junior group leader Nuria Montserrat appeared on RTVE’s channel 1 programme Saber Vivir earlier this month, when they had an episode devoted to kidney disease and research.
In a brief interview filmed at IBEC, Nuria explained the two pillars of her current research: to create viable kidney cells in the lab that can be implanted in vivo, and to study the signals that are necessary to encourage the kidney to regenerate itself.
“I am (Dr) Robot”
The March edition of Time Out Barcelona (English version) features IBEC’s spin-off, Rob Surgical Systems, in an article about technology in Barcelona.
“Drugs on Demand”
Pau Gorostiza and his work on photoswitchable peptides features in an article in the February edition of C&I Magazine, a monthly science and business magazine published by SCI.
Vecino de Les Corts: “La UB y la UPC aportan siempre juventud a distrito”
IBEC Director Josep Samitier is the subject of a full-page article in El Periodico this week, in a series the paper is running about Barcelona notables in relation to their neighbourhoods.
In the article, journalist Carme Escales accompanies Josep to some of his favourite and most formative places in Les Corts.