Postdoc Position in Nanobioengineering (Ref. PN-JS)
Application Deadline: 15/12/2015
Ref: PN-JS
The Nanobioengineering group at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) , coordinated by Prof. Josep Samitier, is looking for a Postdoctoral position to participate iin organ chip Technology projects that can mimic various human internal organs or systems. The main activities of the group involve the surface functionalization of materials integrated with microfluidics systems for the study of biomolecule and cell interactions to develop Organ on Chip or for the development of new biosensors that will be integrated in lab-on-a-chip devices. The goal is to fabricate microsystems containing living cells that recapitulate tissue and organ level functions in vitro and new portable diagnosis devices that can be used as Point-of-Care systems.