The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) is a leading-edge multidisciplinary research centre based in Barcelona that conducts excellent interdisciplinary research at the frontier of engineering and life sciences to generate new knowledge by putting together fields like nanomedicine, biophysics, biotechnology, tissue engineering and applications of health information technology.
In 2021, the Senior researchers – talent retention programme aims to open 2 positions to consolidate senior researchers.
The Objectives of the Programme are:
- To provide a long-term career pathway for senior researchers.
- To retain talent within IBEC.
- To provide IBEC groups with a more robust structure.
Important dates
15th April: Launch of the call
14th May: Deadline for submission of applications
15th – 31st May: Eligibility check
1st June – 15th July: Evaluation of CVs and Research and Management proposals (by external experts)
15th – 31st July: consensus meeting external experts
14th 15th September: Communication for interview
26th October: Interviews of final candidates by ISC
November: Publication of the final results
As of 01/12/2021: Start of the fellowships
Conditions of employment
- 2 senior researcher positions with full time, open-ended contract.
- Gross annual fix salary: 39.600 €
- Measures to reconcile work and family life: flexible schedule working hours, teleworking, 23 working days of paid holidays, 9 leave days for personal matters, among others.
- Specific training for the position will be offered. The IBEC yearly training catalogue offers a wide range of training in technical and transferable skills.
- Induction programme to facilitate incorporation at IBEC and additional support is provided for foreigners to obtain Visa-working permit and to settle in Barcelona.
- Stimulating, interdisciplinary research and high-quality international scientific environment.
- Other responsibilities than research, such as teaching, if minimal, could be carried out upon the approval of the corresponding Group Leader.
To be eligible, candidates must comply with the following requirements:
- Candidates must have been awarded a PhD degree minimum 7 years prior to time of this call closing deadline. Should an applicant hold more than one doctoral degree, this period will be counted from the first degree granted.
- Candidates must have the support of an IBEC Group Leader through a support letter (see Annex II).
- The call is open to all candidates who, are not holding a permanent position within the Spanish National research system.
- The successful candidate will be incompatible with applying for a Junior Group Leader position in IBEC within the next 3 years from date of communication of call resolution.
- The successful candidate will be periodically evaluated to track their progress.
- The successful candidate will have a period of 12 months to accept the position from the date of communication of call resolution.
Applications must be submitted from April 15th until May 14th 2021 at 3 pm (Central European Time – CET) through the online application platform available at the IBEC website: https://careers.ibecbarcelona.eu/
Applicants will need:
- To register at the IBEC online application platform and create a new account.
- To fill in all the sections of the Curriculum Vitae.
- To select the research group in which he/she would like to work.
- To write a prospective Research & Management proposal to be carried out within the selected IBEC research group. The applicants must contact the Group Leader of their choice to discuss their research & Management proposal with him/her. The proposal should have a maximum length of 6 pages and should be written using the template downloadable at https://careers.ibecbarcelona.eu/ (See Form I).
- To upload the support letter signed from the Group Leader motivating the selection of the candidate (following the template provided, Form II).
- To submit the Certificate or official notification of their PhD award, where the date on which the PhD was earned appears.