Postdoctoral researcher at the Nanomalaria Research Group (Ref: PD-XF).
Ref: PD-XF / Deadline: 13/03/2023
Postdoc at the Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics Research Group (Ref: PD3-XT)
Ref: PD3-XT / Deadline: 20/12/2022
Laboratory Technician at the Biosensors for Bioengineering Research Group (Ref: LT-JR)
Ref: LT-JR // Deadline: 23/12/2022
Research Assistant for validation of BP-EVs as a next-generation compound delivery platform (PPCC-EVBRAINTARGET)
Ref: PPCC-EVBRAINTARGET / Deadline: 10/02/2023
Postdoctoral Researcher on the Neurobiological assessment of Alzheimer’s disease-modifying nanomedicines (PPCC-ADNano_2)
Ref: PPCC-ADNano_2 / Deadline: 22/12/2022
Research Assistant on Immunotherapeutic Strategies in Breast Cancer(PPCC-InMaM)
Ref: PPCC- InMaM / Deadline: 22/12/2022
Research Assistant on New therapeutic options in metastatic osteosarcoma (PPCC-OsteoMetTherapy)
Ref: PPCC-OsteoMetTherapy / Deadline: 22/12/2022
Postdoctoral Researcher on Targeting a mitotic polyglutamylation enzyme in cancer (PPCC-MITOCANCER)
Ref: PPCC-MITOCANCER / Deadline: 20/02/2022