Outreach / Fair / Festival

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Pint of Science 2022

Careers at IBEC

Monica Mir de Nanobioengineering,  Agustín Gutierrez de Signal and Information Processing for Sensing Systems y  Silvia Pujals de Nanoscopy for nanomedicine participarán en el evento global de divulgación científica Pint of Science. El festival Pint of Science, que se celebrará del 09 al 11 de mayo, tiene como objetivo ofrecer charlas interesantes, divertidas y relevantes ... Read more

Pint of Science 2022

Careers at IBEC

Monica Mir de Nanobioengineering,  Agustín Gutierrez de Signal and Information Processing for Sensing Systems y  Silvia Pujals de Nanoscopy for nanomedicine participarán en el evento global de divulgación científica Pint of Science. El festival Pint of Science, que se celebrará del 09 al 11 de mayo, tiene como objetivo ofrecer charlas interesantes, divertidas y relevantes ... Read more

Research4Talent 2022

On Thursday 12th May 2022 we’ll open our doors to UNDERGRADUATE & MASTER’s students interested in a research career The day is a chance for you to talk to our researchers and ask them questions about their day-to-day work in the lab, career paths, work-life balance, mobility etc. In 2021 IBEC signed more that 165 internship agreements ... Read more

Research4Talent 2022

On Thursday 12th May 2022 we’ll open our doors to UNDERGRADUATE & MASTER’s students interested in a research career The day is a chance for you to talk to our researchers and ask them questions about their day-to-day work in the lab, career paths, work-life balance, mobility etc. In 2021 IBEC signed more that 165 internship agreements ... Read more

Cinquè aniversari del bojos i boges per la Bioenginyeria

Auditori Antoni Caparrós, PCB Tower D, c/Baldiri Reixac 4-8, Barcelona, Spain

El dia 25 de novembre celebrem el cinquè aniversari del programa Bojos i boges per la Bioenginyeria on compartirem testimonis d'exparticipants i investigadors i investigadores del programa. En aquesta jornada, també celebrarem la cloenda de la cinquena edició del programa on els participants d'enguany presentaran les seves idees. Divendres 25 de novembre - 18:00h Auditori Antoni Caparrós, Parc Científic de Barcelona ... Read more

Research 4 Talent

Sala Dolors Aleu Parc Científic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

This event is open to all undergraduate and master students interested in a research career. The day is a chance for you to talk to our researchers and ask them questions about their day-to-day work in the lab, career paths, work-life balance, mobility etc. In 2022 IBEC signed more than 165 internship agreements for Undergraduate ... Read more

La Medicina del Futur en Vinyetes

Centre Comercial El Triangle Plaza Catalunya 4, 08002 - Barcelona

Et preguntes com s'està dissenyant la medicina del futur?  This activity will be in Catalan and Spanish. Des de nanorobots per combatre cèl·lules canceroses fins a músculs en un xip per a tractar la distròfia muscular. Noves estratègies per a vèncer els superbacteris i fàrmacs que s'activen amb la llum per actuar exclusivament en el ... Read more

Cloenda de la 6 edició de bojos i boges per la Bioenginyeria

Sala Dolors Aleu Parc Científic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

El dia 24 de novembre celebrem la cloenda de la 6a edició del programa Bojos i boges per la Bioenginyeria on els participants d'enguany presentaran les seves idees i rebran els seus diplomes. This event will be in Catalan.   Divendres 24 de novembre - 17:30h Sala Dolors Aleu, Parc Científic de Barcelona (C. Baldiri Reixac, 4-8, 08028 Barcelona) ... Read more


Sala Dolors Aleu Parc Científic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

On Wednesday 8th May 2024 we’ll open our doors to UNDERGRADUATE & MASTER's students interested in a research career The event offers you the opportunity to engage with our researchers and inquire about their day-to-day work in the lab, career trajectories, work-life balance, mobility, etc. In 2023, IBEC signed more than 130 internship agreements for undergraduate and ... Read more

Second Hand Exchange Market

Cluster II

To celebrate the World Environment Day (5 June) IBEC’s Sustainability Committee is organizing a second-hand exchange market! You can bring those pieces of clothing and lab materials that are clean and in good shape, but you don’t use anymore, and take one for free! SAVE THE DATE: 📅 21st of June 📍 in front of ... Read more