Professional and personal development

Thanks to IBEC’s interdisciplinarity, the most recent technical and technological approaches developed for research in biology and the biomedical sciences are available.

Young researchers can acquire experience and practical training day-to-day in both the classical approaches and new methodologies in imaging techniques, nanomaterials technology, nanofabrication, biosensors, biosignal interpretation, lab-on-a-chip approaches, and many more.

Outside the lab, IBEC offers the following opportunities for personal and professional growth to all researchers and staff:


Mobility plays a key role in research training and career development. Interaction with outstanding complementary researchers, either during stays outside IBEC or by bringing people into IBEC, is essential for the progress of staff at all levels.

Currently IBEC has two mobility programmes:

IBEC & ICMS Exchange Program

ICMS and IBEC strive to grow research talent in the fields of organ-on-a-chip, regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, chemical biology, biomaterials, imaging and nano-biotechnology. Therefore, we are pleased to invite IBEC postdocs, PhD and Master Students to apply for funds to visit ICMS and expand their expertise and network. The Exchange program also allows ICMS fellows to visit IBEC.

The Program is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa Award.

ICMS and IBEC calls are continuously open for submitting proposals within this exchange program.

| Download more information and the application form here.

IBEC Severo Ochoa Triple-I Programm

The IBEC Severo Ochoa Triple-I Programme funds short (from one to three months) stays at universities, research centres, biomedical companies and hospitals for predoctoral researchers at IBEC.

In the framework of the Severo Ochoa programme, IBEC is launching a new call of this mobility programme at predoctoral level.

  • For stays outside Catalonia at any kind of the above mentioned institutions, selected candidates will receive funding for travel and accommodation expenses.

  • In order to promote inter-sectoral mobility, for stays of at least one month at companies or hospitals within Catalonia, selected candidates will receive a fixed amount for attending a scientific conference of their choice (registration, travel, accommodation).

| Download more information and the application form here
| Download the results of the first call here and the second call here.

Funded through the Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa Award


Training Catalogue 2025

Our Training Catalogue is a brief summary of the training courses offered at IBEC.

Training at IBEC aims to develop internal talent and offer a wide array of courses designed to meet the needs of IBEC’s scientists and staff across all career stages and disciplines. It complements their expertise with the continuing development of transferable skills and competencies that can help them to be better prepared for today’s rapidly changing environments, thus ensuring that are given the opportunity for professional development and for improving their employability. Specifically, IBEC aims at preparing them to deliver brilliant research while giving them the opportunity to make the next steps onwards in their careers.

| Please contact the HR unit at to find out about future training courses.

Complementary skills training

Besides the mandatory doctoral courses offered by the universities, IBEC offers several training courses specifically devoted to PhD students and early postdocs, covering such topics as scientific writing, how to publish in high ranking journals, preparing a PhD thesis and presentation skills in English. The institute also holds an annual symposium on a different scientific theme, as well as hosting and organizing several other project-based or general scientific meetings and workshops throughout the year.

| Find out more information in the Training Catalogue.

IBEC Seminars and PhD Discussions

Our regular IBEC Seminars invite top names in bioengineering and nanomedicine from all over the world to help keep us up-to-date on the state-of-the-art of research in the field. IBEC seminars also offer the opportunity to network and discuss recent developments, fostering internal and external interaction and opening doors to future collaborations.

IBEC researchers also have the chance to learn from their colleagues at the PhD Discussions series of talks and skills sessions. These provide a forum for students to present the results of their research and discuss them with each other, as well as with more experienced researchers. Outside speakers are also invited to help IBEC’s students in their career development by delivering talks on complementary skills such as entrepreneurship and career mobility.

| Visit our calendar for forthcoming IBEC Seminars and PhD discussions sessions.
| Receive e-mail notifications of IBEC events: contact
| Watch videos of IBEC Seminars


BIST Mentoring Programme

BIST has created in collaboration with its seven constituent centres this programme to help junior researchers such as PhD students and postdoctoral researchers articulate their career aspirations and feel supported as they evolve as scientists or transition to a new phase in their careers.

  • 35 Mentor-Mentees pairs.
    • Mentees: R1 and R2
    • Mentors: Senior Researchers, Postdoctoral Researchers, Group Leaders, Scientific Staff,  and professionals working in public policy and social engagement, education, industry, or entrepreneurship.
  • Focus on Career Development and Career Transition & Employability.
  • Launch in October:
    • October 18th BIST launches call for mentors.
    • October 20th BIST launches call for mentees.

PhD Committee and Postdoc Committee

A bottom-up initiative from PhD Committee and Postdoc Committee: Mentees are Early-stage researchers (R1) who are appointed with postdoctoral researchers (Mentors) from different groups but with similar research areas/interests. A win-win action, in which R2 will develop core skills in mentoring and R1 will receive support and guidance.

Clinical Mentoring

A  Pilot programme for R1 with clinical mentors from  Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona CMB with the aim to receive feedback from medical clinicians to strength the clinical translation of their research.

Funded through the Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa Award


IBEC’s Business immersion programme for PhD and Postdocs aims to bring industry closer to academy, increasing the technology transfer activities of the research projects, and expanding the entrepreneurship skills of IBEC researchers. It will offer researchers the opportunity to attend an international innovation fair or congress, giving them the opportunity to get in contact with start-ups and companies, expand their network and improve their employability after their PhD or Postdoc.

The Program is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa Award.

| Business Immersion Programme

Funded through the Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa Award