IBEC Symposium / Conference / Congress

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AXA Auditorium L'illa Diagonal, Av. Diagonal 547 , Barcelona

BIOENGINEERING FOR FUTURE AND PRECISION MEDICINE October 3rd · Auditori Axa, Barcelona The 16th IBEC annual Symposium brings together high-profile international experts for an open forum for interdisciplinary discussions and networking. This year the symposium is dedicated to Bioengineering for Future and Precision Medicine, one of IBEC’s three major application areas. Scientific community is invited to participate. Attendees from ... Read more

Workshop “Bioaction: The new tissue engineering approaches in bone infections»

Sala Baobab, Tower I, Floor 11 Baldiri i Reixac, Barcelona

Workshop held in the framework of the EIC Pathfinder project BIOACTION “Bacteria biofilm as bio-factory for tissue regeneration” (Project Number 101098972). BIOACTION aims at developing a new methodology in implant technology based on functionalized bio-hydrogels that will convert the negative occurrence of biofilm-associated infections, the primary cause of implant infections and failure, into a positive ... Read more

Plan Complementario de Biotecnología Aplicada a la Salud: el futuro de la medicina personalizada

Auditori Antoni Caparrós, PCB Tower D, c/Baldiri Reixac 4-8, Barcelona, Spain

La jornada “Plan Complementario de Biotecnología Aplicada a la Salud: el futuro de la medicina personalizada” es un evento organizado en el marco del Plan Complementario de Biotecnología aplicada a la Salud en Cataluña. Durante el evento se presentarán las principales acciones colaborativas coordinadas desde Cataluña que cuentan con la colaboración de las comunidades autónomas ... Read more

Barcelona Health Innovation Week

Sala Dolors Aleu Parc Científic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

This event will be held in Spanish and Catalan. REPTES EN INNOVACIÓ EN MEDICINA PERSONALITZADA I TERÀPIES EMERGENTS Aquesta taula rodona abordarà alguns dels reptes actuals de la medicina personalitzada i les teràpies emergents. Com fomentar la col·laboració interdisciplinària entre els diferents investigadors, empreses, professionals de la salut i reguladors? Com aconseguir la translació clínica dels descobriments bàsics? Quins ... Read more

Nano Rare Diseases Day

Pg. de Sant Joan de Déu, 2, Esplugues de Llobregat

This event will be held in Spanish. El Nano Rare Diseases Day es un evento organizado en el marco del Día Mundial de las Enfermedades Minoritarias donde se darán a conocer las últimas innovaciones en materia de Nanomedicina con temas que van desde el diagnóstico precoz, la liberación controlada de fármacos o el desarrollo de nuevas terapias. Durante esta jornada, ... Read more

La ricerca Italiana a Barcellona

Sala Dolors Aleu Parc Científic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

"La ricerca italiana a Barcellona - Nuovi metodi per comprendere le malattie neurodegenerative." The Consulate General of Italy will present Dr. Benedetta Bolognesi with the "Cavaliere dell'ordine della Stella" medal in recognition of her career. In addition, Dr Benedetta Bolognesi, Group Leader of Protein Phase Transitions in Health and Disease , Prof. Josep Samitier, Director ... Read more


Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) Dr. Aiguader 88 , Barcelona

3rd edition EMBL - IBEC Conference ENGINEERING MULTICELLULAR SYSTEMS EMBL and IBEC aim to contribute to the discussion on challenges and opportunities in the expanding field of engineered multicellular systems. Recent breakthroughs in stem cell biology, organ-on-chip assays, 3-D bioprinting, and cell mechanobiology have revolutionized our ability to design and assemble multicellular living systems, from organoids to embryos. This ... Read more


Auditori Antoni Caparrós, PCB Tower D, c/Baldiri Reixac 4-8, Barcelona, Spain

To fulfil the promise of applying bioengineering to improve the lives of patients, we need to adopt a holistic approach encompassing understanding of biological/pathological mechanisms, development of engineered systems, and consideration of clinical needs. Hence, the B4 symposium, by bringing together experts studying the BBB from a biological, engineering and medical perspective, will greatly aid ... Read more

MSCA Doctoral Networks: convocatoria 2024

Sala Dolors Aleu Parc Científic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Event in Spanish El objetivo de las Doctoral Networks es implementar programas de doctorado mediante asociaciones de organizaciones de diferentes sectores de Europa y más allá para formar doctorandos y doctorandas altamente cualificados, estimular su creatividad, mejorar sus capacidades de innovación y potenciar su empleabilidad a largo plazo. Gracias al componente de movilidad (internacional, interdisciplinar e intersectorial) ... Read more

Nanomotors International Conference


The Nanomotors International Conference: 20th Anniversary will be held June 2-5, 2024 in Barcelona. This event will gather high-profile plenary and invited speakers and world-class researchers specializing in nanomotors to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the first publications in the field. From the early days of artificial catalytic nanomotors, the expanding field of active matter has moved ... Read more