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PhD Discussions: Maria Gallo and Nimesh Chahare

IBEC, floor 11, Tower I Baldiri Reixac 4-8, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

Generation Of Reporter Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines To Study Cardiac Development And Disease Maria Gallo, Pluripotency for organ regeneration Group The development and the use of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) represent an effective tool to recapitulate characteristics related to tissue differentiation, morphogenesis and conversely, human diseases. Through their inherent capacity to differentiate towards ... Read more

Cinquè aniversari del bojos i boges per la Bioenginyeria

Auditori Antoni Caparrós, PCB Tower D, c/Baldiri Reixac 4-8, Barcelona, Spain

El dia 25 de novembre celebrem el cinquè aniversari del programa Bojos i boges per la Bioenginyeria on compartirem testimonis d'exparticipants i investigadors i investigadores del programa. En aquesta jornada, també celebrarem la cloenda de la cinquena edició del programa on els participants d'enguany presentaran les seves idees. Divendres 25 de novembre - 18:00h Auditori Antoni Caparrós, Parc Científic de Barcelona ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Adrián López Canosa

Eduard Fontseré - Facultat de Física de la UB

Microphysiological Systems for the Evaluation of Biomaterials in Regenerative Therapies Author: Adrián López Canosa, Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies This thesis defence will take place at “Sala de Graus Eduard Fontseré” at 11:00h. Information

IBEC Seminar: Xavier Rovira-Clavé

Sala Baobab, Tower I, Floor 11 Baldiri i Reixac, Barcelona

Epitope barcoding and subcellular high-plex imaging reveal clonal tumor patch behaviors Xavier Rovira-Clavé, PhD Intratumoral heterogeneity is a seminal feature of human tumors contributing to tumor progression and response to treatment. Current technologies are still largely unsuitable to accurately track phenotypes and clonal evolution within tumors, especially in response to genetic manipulations. In this seminar ... Read more

IBEC Seminar: Manuel Valero

Sala Baobab, Tower I, Floor 11 Baldiri i Reixac, Barcelona

The role of inhibition in hippocampal coding Manuel Valero, PhD NYU Neuroscience Institute, New York University (US) The fundamental computation a single neuron performs is to integrate incoming excitatory and inhibitory inputs to decide whether to fire an action potential and feedback its activity into the network. Investigation of this synaptic computation requires access to ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Ignasi Granero Moya

STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF MECHANICAL FORCE ON NUCLEO-CYTOPLASMIC TRANSPORT Author: Ignasi Granero Moya, Cellular and molecular mechanobiology This thesis defence will take place at "Facultat de Medicina de la UB (Hospital Clínc)" at 15:00. Room to be determined.  

IRB Research Node/IBEC Joint Seminar:  Jolanda van Leeuwen

Auditori Antoni Caparrós, PCB Tower D, c/Baldiri Reixac 4-8, Barcelona, Spain

Date: Wednesday 18 January 2023, 12:00h Place: Audiorium Room, PCB Speaker: Jolanda van Leeuwen, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland Title:  Systematic analysis of genetic suppression interactions Host: Patrick Aloy (IRB) & Benedetta Bolognesi (IBEC) Abstract: Recent genome sequencing efforts have identified people that are healthy despite carrying mutations that have been directly associated with severe early-onset Mendelian diseases. ... Read more

IRB Research Node/IBEC Joint Seminar: Nunilo Cremades

Sala Félix Serratosa - PCB c/ Baldiri i reixac 10-12, Barcelona, Spain, Spain

Date: Thursday 19 January 2023, 9:30h Place: Felix Serratosa Hall, PCB Speaker: Nunilo Cremades, PhD - Associate Professor at Dept. Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology and Group Leader at Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI), University of Zaragoza, Spain Title:  Liquid-liquid phase separation and co-aggregation of neurodegenerative disease-related alpha-synuclein and Tau proteins Host: Xavier Salvatella ... Read more

IBEC Seminar (online): Sam Hall


Presentation of Open Research Europe publishing plataform Sam Hall, from Open Research Euorpe Open Research Europe is the European Commission’s open access publishing platform for research stemming from Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe funding. In this webinar Senior Content Acquisition Editor Sam Hall will show how the platform enables the rapid dissemination of results and ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Xavier Arqué

Aula Magna, Faculty of Pharmacy Av. Joan XXIII s/n, Barcelona, Spain

Unraveling the Fundamental Aspects of Enzyme-powered Micromotors Author: Xavier Arqué, Smart Nano-Bio-Devices Lab This thesis defence will take place at "Aula Magna" Building A, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Barcelona (Campus Diagonal, Av. de Joan XXIII, 27-31, 08028 Barcelona) at 11:00