The Technology Transfer and Business Development Office at IBEC is looking for an Officer to develop his/her career in the areas of Technology Transfer and Business Development.
The Biomaterials for regenerative therapies Group is looking for a part-time research assistant position to work in calcium phosphate nanoparticles and sol-gel processes for biomaterial development. Research in the Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies group is devoted to the development and knowledge transfer to industry and innovative biomaterials and scaffolds for tissue regeneration.
The Biomaterials for regenerative therapies group at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) is searching for a Senior Research to work on the development and testing of new bioinks for 3D bioprinting.
The contract will be within the framework of the BASE3D project (co-funded with FEDER funds). The project, based on 3D printing, has the objective of creating 3D printed constructs for skeletal regeneration.
The nanodevices group at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) is looking for a Research Assistant to join the working group of nanomotors working alongside the rest of the team in highly multidisciplinary projects in the line of research.
In the framework of the Severo Ochoa, the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) is launching the fifth International PhD Programme 2021, 4 fellowships will be offered funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the ‘Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores’ 2021-call. 1 more PhD fellowship will be funded by IBEC.
Biomimetic systems for cell engineering Group is looking for a Senior Technician to develop a project on the impact of substrate-derived cues in the self-organization of intestinal epithelia. The contract will be within the framework of the COMIET project, whose objective is to develop biomimetic in vitro models of intestinal epithelia.
The Targeted Therapeutics and Nanodevices Groupis looking for a research assistant to help the lab with a project relative to the development of biodegradable polymer nanoparticles for encapsulation of therapeutic proteins and targeting to specific cells .
L’Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC) requereix incorporar un/-a tècnic de laboratori per a la unitat de Core Facilities de l’IBEC, que té la funció de proporcionar serveis i suport diaris a les operacions dels laboratoris del IBEC. Això inclou la gestió, l’organització i el manteniment dels laboratoris perquè els investigadors interns tinguin accés lliure als equips centralitzats, així com les regulacions de treball i seguretat. També ofereix formació i informació als estudiants i investigadors que s’uneixen a l’Institut sobre l’organització i el funcionament dels espais IBEC, i configura i engega nous laboratoris.
A més dels equips de laboratori habituals (Common Core Basics), la unitat d’Infraestructures proporciona equips sofisticats i avançats per recolzar la recerca dels grups.
The group led by Loris Rizzello and Giuseppe Battaglia (IBEC) is looking for a Predoctoral researcher to investigate the pathophysiology of Tuberculosis in order to decipher the host-pathogens interactions during the infectious process.
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