Postdoctoral position on microscopy at the Bioengineering in Reproductive Health Research Group

Application Deadline: 31/01/2021
Ref: PD-SO

The Bioengineering in reproductive health group at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) offers a Postdoctoral position for an optics physicist or engineer with experience in advance microcopy and image analysis. The project involves using label-free imaging for the study of human embryos.

This project aims to address the diagnostic limitations in IVF clinics and develop an objective, quantitative imaging technology capable to discriminate competent embryos. The method will be based on label-free microscopy. The biological data will be extracted from microscopy measurements of the embryos, via different image processing and statistical correlation procedures. Biological samples are naturally auto-fluorescent due to the presence of different molecules which are crucial for the embryonic development. The goal of this project is to use the endogenous signals from the embryo in a non-invasive way to extract meaningful biological information. The results of this project will be the basis for the creation of a biotech spin-off.

Our laboratory is a multidisciplinary environment where biologists, physicists, clinicians and business developers synergize to create a unique environment shaped by science and entrepreneurship. Due to the high translational component of our research, we have established collaboration contracts with the pharma industry, hospitals and venture capital to bring our technology to the clinics and the market

Purchasing Technician

Data límit: 19/03/2021
Ref: PT_AG

The Finance Unit (IBEC) is looking for a Purchasing Technician The Purchasing Department is integrated in the Finance Unit of IBEC and its aim is to handle of all goods and services that are needed in our Institute in accordance with the Public Sector Contract Law.

Accountant Technician

Data límit: 29/01/2021
Ref: AT_AG

The Finance Unit (IBEC) is looking for a Account Technician The Finance Unit provides a financial framework and control system for the Institute in accordance with government financial and statutory requirements.

Técnico en prevención de riesgos laborales PRL / Health and Safety Technician

Data límit: 31/03/2021
Ref: H&S_RG

The Human Resources Unit (IBEC) is looking for a Health and Safety Technician Together with the Health and Safety Officer, you will support all H&S functions, in compliance with IBEC standards and applicable regulations.
You will manage risks and promote cultural change to reduce the probability of accidents and incidents.
You will bring added value to IBEC by promoting H&S culture across the organization.

Research Assistant at the Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamic Research Group

Application Deadline: 10/12/2020
The Integrative cell and tissue dyamics group
at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) is looking for a Research Assistant to lead his research project on the development of a tumor on-chip. The contract will be within the framework of the research aim “Tumour and stromal interactions” whose objective is to understand how physical forces between tumor and stromal cells cooperate to drive tumor progression and therapies outcomes

Predoctoral Researcher at Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics group

Application Deadline: 15/12/2020
The Integrative cell and tissue dyamics group
at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) is looking for a Predoctoral Researcher to work on the mechanobiology of stem cells and intestinal organoids. The contract will be within the framework of the ERC project EpiFold, whose objective is to engineer the shape and mechanics of epithelial layers.

Postdoctoral Researcher for Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamcis group

Application Deadline: 15/12/2020
The Integrative cell and tissue dyamics group
at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) is looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher to work on the computational modelling of epithelial sheets. The contract will be within the framework of the ERC project EpiFold, whose objective is to engineer the shape and mechanics of epithelial layers.

Human Resources Talent Management Officer

Data límit: 20/11/2020

The Human Resources Unit (IBEC) is looking for a HR Talent Management Officer to carry out strategic and administrative HR functions, design and implement Talent Management initiatives and to support our scientific and administrative staff.