PhD Thesis Defence

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  2. PhD Thesis Defence

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Biomedical signal interpretation and smartphone sensors for the assessment of trunk function and sleep disorders in patients with spinal cord injury

Sala d’Actes EEBE, Edifici A, Av. Eduard Maristany 16, 08019 Barcelona

Author: Yolanda Castillo Group: Biomedical Signal Processing and Interpretation Directors: Raimon Jané   Abstract: Spinal cord injury (SCI) is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. SCI causes motor and sensory impairment below the level of the injury, but it is also associated with many other health complications. Two of these problems are trunk ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Maximilian Loeck

Carrer de Casanova, 143 Campus Clínic, Barcelona

Comparative study of nanocarries targeted to different transport pathways into and across the endothelium for brain delivery of therapeutic enzymes Author: Maximilian Loeck, Targeted therapeutics and nanodevices This thesis defence will take place at “Aula 14 (Dolors Aleu i Riera), Campus Clínic” at 12:30h. Address: Facultad de Medicina, Carrer de Casanova, 143, 08036 Barcelona

PhD Thesis Defence: Enrico Almici

Sala de Graus Eduard Fontseré Martí i Franquès, 1-11, Barcelona

Investigating pathological extracellular matrix architecture Author: ENRICO ALMICI, Nanobioengineering This thesis defence will take place at “Sala de Graus Eduard Fontseré. Facultat de Física” at 10:00h. President: Dr. Sergio Cerutt Secretària: Dra. Elena Martinez Fraiz Vocal: Dr. Eugenio Martinelli   Suplents: Dra. Noemi Reguart Aransay Dra. Valeria Chiono   Directors: Dr. JOAN MONTERO BORONAT Dr. ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Adrián López Canosa

Eduard Fontseré - Facultat de Física de la UB

Microphysiological Systems for the Evaluation of Biomaterials in Regenerative Therapies Author: Adrián López Canosa, Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies This thesis defence will take place at “Sala de Graus Eduard Fontseré” at 11:00h. Information

PhD Thesis Defence: Ignasi Granero Moya

STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF MECHANICAL FORCE ON NUCLEO-CYTOPLASMIC TRANSPORT Author: Ignasi Granero Moya, Cellular and molecular mechanobiology This thesis defence will take place at "Facultat de Medicina de la UB (Hospital Clínc)" at 15:00. Room to be determined.  

PhD Thesis Defence: Xavier Arqué

Aula Magna, Faculty of Pharmacy Av. Joan XXIII s/n, Barcelona, Spain

Unraveling the Fundamental Aspects of Enzyme-powered Micromotors Author: Xavier Arqué, Smart Nano-Bio-Devices Lab This thesis defence will take place at "Aula Magna" Building A, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Barcelona (Campus Diagonal, Av. de Joan XXIII, 27-31, 08028 Barcelona) at 11:00  

PhD Thesis Defence: Madhura Murar

Aula Magna, Faculty of Physics, UB

Peptide functionalized polymeric nanocarriers: Towards selective targeting of prostate cancer Author: Madhura Vijay Murar, nanoscopy for nanomedicine This thesis defence will take place at "Aula Magna" Faculty of Physics, University of Barcelona (Carrer de Martí i Franquès, 1, 11, 08028 Barcelona) at 15:00 You can join online to see the defense in the following link. ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Nimesh Ramesh Chahare

acultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística-Sala d'Actes FME, Edifici U, Campus Sud

Mechanics of Epithelial tissue subjected to controlled pressure Author: Nimesh Ramesh Chahare, Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics group Biography: Nimesh Ramesh Chahare earned his bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Nagpur in 2014. He further pursued a master's degree at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, completing it in 2016. ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Manuel López Ortiz

Single molecule electrochemical studies of photosynthetic complexes Author: Manuel López Ortiz, Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches group Reading date: 14/07/2023 Reading time: 10:00 Reading place: Aula de graus Dufort de la facultat de biologia

PhD Thesis Defense: Gerardo Ceada

Mechanics of crypt folding, tissue compartmentalization and collective cell migration in intestinal organoids Author: Gerardo Ceada, Integrative cell and Tissue Dynamics group Reading date: 14/07/2023 Reading time: 12:00 Reading place: Aula Magna de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Barcelona (Campus Clínic)