PhD Thesis Defence

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PhD Thesis Defence: Enrico Almici

Sala de Graus Eduard Fontseré Martí i Franquès, 1-11, Barcelona

Investigating pathological extracellular matrix architecture Author: ENRICO ALMICI, Nanobioengineering This thesis defence will take place at “Sala de Graus Eduard Fontseré. Facultat de Física” at 10:00h. President: Dr. Sergio Cerutt ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Adrián López Canosa

Eduard Fontseré - Facultat de Física de la UB

Microphysiological Systems for the Evaluation of Biomaterials in Regenerative Therapies Author: Adrián López Canosa, Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies This thesis defence will take place at “Sala de Graus Eduard Fontseré” ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Ignasi Granero Moya

STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF MECHANICAL FORCE ON NUCLEO-CYTOPLASMIC TRANSPORT Author: Ignasi Granero Moya, Cellular and molecular mechanobiology This thesis defence will take place at "Facultat de Medicina de la ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Xavier Arqué

Aula Magna, Faculty of Pharmacy Av. Joan XXIII s/n, Barcelona, Spain

Unraveling the Fundamental Aspects of Enzyme-powered Micromotors Author: Xavier Arqué, Smart Nano-Bio-Devices Lab This thesis defence will take place at "Aula Magna" Building A, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Barcelona ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Madhura Murar

Aula Magna, Faculty of Physics, UB

Peptide functionalized polymeric nanocarriers: Towards selective targeting of prostate cancer Author: Madhura Vijay Murar, nanoscopy for nanomedicine This thesis defence will take place at "Aula Magna" Faculty of Physics, University ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Nimesh Ramesh Chahare

acultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística-Sala d'Actes FME, Edifici U, Campus Sud

Mechanics of Epithelial tissue subjected to controlled pressure Author: Nimesh Ramesh Chahare, Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics group Biography: Nimesh Ramesh Chahare earned his bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Manuel López Ortiz

Single molecule electrochemical studies of photosynthetic complexes Author: Manuel López Ortiz, Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches group Reading date: 14/07/2023 Reading time: 10:00 Reading place: Aula de graus Dufort de la facultat ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defense: Gerardo Ceada

Mechanics of crypt folding, tissue compartmentalization and collective cell migration in intestinal organoids Author: Gerardo Ceada, Integrative cell and Tissue Dynamics group Reading date: 14/07/2023 Reading time: 12:00 Reading place: ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defense: Sefora Conti

Mechanical phenotyping of cancer stemness in colorectal cancer. Author: Sefora Conti, Integrative cell and Tissue Dynamics group Reading date: 18/07/2023 Reading time: 15:00 Abstract: Colorectal cancer tumors are composed of heterogeneous ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defense: Karen Wells Cembrano

Development of 3D in vitro platforms for the study of muscle function and axonal growth and regeneration Author: Karen Wells Cembrano, Molecular and cellular neurobiotechnology group Reading date: 27/10/2023 Reading ... Read more