PhD Thesis Defence

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  2. PhD Thesis Defence

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PhD Thesis Defence: Enara Larrañaga

Effects of substrate-derived cues in driving the self-organization of organoid-derived intestinal epithelia Enara Larrañaga, Biomimetic systems for cell engineering The defence will take place online, if you wish to attend to this defence, you can find the link to access here and you can find more information here  

PhD Thesis Defence: Xarxa Quiroga

Auditori Antoni Caparrós - PCB

Plasma membrane mechanosensing upon stretch-induced topography remodelling Xarxa Quiroga, Cellular and molecular mechanobiology group. The thesis defence takes place tomorrow at 10AM in the "Antoni Caparrós" auditorium, located at the PCB Tower D, with limited capacity.

PhD Thesis Defence: Maria Arista

Unveiling viral structures by single-molecule localization microscopy Maria Arista, Nanoscopy for nanomedicine group The defence will take place online, if you wish to attend to this defence, you can find the link to access here and you can find more information here

PhD Thesis Defence: Ferran Velasco

Carboxymethyl cellulose-based cryogels as scaffolds for pancreatic and skeletal muscle tissue engineering Ferran Velasco, Biosensors for bioengineering group The defence will take place online, if you wish to attend to this defence, you have to send an email to and you  can find more information here  

PhD Thesis Defence: Ana Candida Lopes Hortelão

Enzyme Powered Nanomotors Towards Biomedical Applications Ana Candida Lopes Hortelão, Smart Nano-bio-devices group The defence will take place online, if you wish to attend to this defence you can find the link and more information here

PhD Thesis Defence: Adrianna Glinkowska

Formulation and screening of drug nanocarriers using microfluidic technology Adrianna Glinkowska, Nanoscopy for nanomedicine The defence will take place online, if you wish to attend to this defence you can find the link and more information here  

PhD Thesis Defence: Alexandre Gomila

Development and characterization of in vivo models for photopharmacology Alexandre Gomila, Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches The defence will take place online, if you wish to attend to this defence you can find the link here

PhD Thesis Defence: Ignasi Ferrer Lluís

Novel mHealth and multimodal physiological biomarkers for non-invasive monitoring and home healthcare of obstructive sleep apnea and COPD patients with comorbidities Ignasi Ferrer Lluís, Biomedical Signal Processing and Interpretation he defence will take place online, using the "Google Meet" app. If you wish to attend to this defence you can find the link here

PhD Thesis Defence: Ana López Mengual

Sala Graus, Faculty of Biology Barcelona

Factores físicos y moleculares implicados en la migración celular y en el desarrollo de la corteza cerebral. Ana López Mengual, Molecular and cellular neurobiotechnology group Abstract Cell migration acquires special relevance during embryonic development and tissue regeneration. During the development of the adult individual, cells multiply, differentiate and mature, having to move to their destination ... Read more

PhD Thesis Defence: Ariadna Marín Llauradó

Auditori Antoni Caparrós, PCB Tower D, c/Baldiri Reixac 4-8, Barcelona, Spain

Mechanical stress in curved epithelia of designed size and shape Ariadna Marín Llauradó, Integrative cell and tissue dynamics group The function of organs such as lungs, kidneys and mammary glands relies on the three-dimensional geometry of their epithelium. How epithelial geometry emerges from mechanical stresses remains poorly understood. To address this question systematically, here we ... Read more