Científics de l’IBEC i ISGlobal desenvolupen un compost innovador eficaç contra malària i la leishmaniosi

Un estudi liderat per l’IBEC i ISGlobal ha demostrat el potencial antileishmanial d’un compost antimalàric. Dissenyat inicialment per a la malària, aquest fàrmac mostra una elevada eficàcia contra la leishmaniosi, marcant un avenç únic i prometedor per al tractament d’ambdues infeccions.

Drug-loaded nanovectors covered with antibodies represent an innovative approach to combat malaria


A study led by Xavier Fernández Busquets, director of the joint ISGlobal-IBEC Nanomalaria unit, describes an innovative approach to selectively eliminate red blood cells infected by Plasmodium falciparum, avoid their aggregation, and inhibit parasite growth.

The strategy, based on the use of nanovesicles coated with antibodies that target a parasite protein, and loaded with an antimalarial drug, represents a promising alternative in the treatment of severe malaria.