Lliçons del cervell per a la intel·ligència artificial: el mecanisme neural d’aprenentatge autònom desvelat pels investigadors a l’IBEC

Un equip internacional dirigit per SPECS Lab a l’Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC) revela com el cervell millora a través de l’aprenentatge autosupervisat combinant una anàlisi de més de tres dècades de recerca en neurociència i intel·ligència artificial.

Researchers from the IBEC develop a Virtual Reality system to treat speech disorders

Researchers from the IBEC have developed a virtual reality-based system for rehabilitating patients with Broca’s aphasia. RGSa has been proven to improve communicative frequency and effectiveness in daily life, as well as sustaining improvements in testing after an 8-week period.

Rehabilitation to recover speech after brain damage is efficient, provided that it is carried out intensively, and can be included in relevant behavioural tasks. However, limited resources in healthcare systems cannot always provide said treatment in sufficient doses. Achieving a cost-effective, evidence-based rehabilitation method is one of the objectives targeted by the SPECS research group.