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Navegación de vistas de Evento


PhD Thesis Defence: Joan Martí Muñoz

Sala d'Actes de la Facultat de Matemàtica i Estadística (FME) C. Pau Gargallo, 5, Barcelona

Chemical design and validation of Ca 2+ -releasing platforms to promote vascularization in tissue regeneration

PhD Thesis Defence: Joan Martí Muñoz

Sala d'Actes de la Facultat de Matemàtica i Estadística (FME) C. Pau Gargallo, 5, Barcelona

Chemical design and validation of Ca 2+ -releasing platforms to promote vascularization in tissue regeneration

PhD Thesis Defence: Joan Martí Muñoz

Sala d'Actes de la Facultat de Matemàtica i Estadística (FME) C. Pau Gargallo, 5, Barcelona

Chemical design and validation of Ca 2+ -releasing platforms to promote vascularization in tissue regeneration

PhD Thesis Defence: Joan Martí Muñoz

Sala d'Actes de la Facultat de Matemàtica i Estadística (FME) C. Pau Gargallo, 5, Barcelona

Chemical design and validation of Ca 2+ -releasing platforms to promote vascularization in tissue regeneration

Learning to write clearly, the ‘how’ of good scientific writing

IBEC, floor 11, Tower I Baldiri Reixac 4-8, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

This workshop aims to help participants improve their writing skills through awareness of the elements of clear writing. Participants will learn linguistic tools to transmit scientific messages. Dates: 15th  November, ... Read more

Learning to write clearly, the ‘how’ of good scientific writing

IBEC, floor 11, Tower I Baldiri Reixac 4-8, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

This workshop aims to help participants improve their writing skills through awareness of the elements of clear writing. Participants will learn linguistic tools to transmit scientific messages. Dates: 15th  November, ... Read more

IBEC Seminar: Benedetta Bolognesi

IBEC, floor 11, Tower I Baldiri Reixac 4-8, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

The mutational landscape of a prion-like domain


Auditori Antoni Caparrós, PCB Tower D, c/Baldiri Reixac 4-8, Barcelona, Spain

International conference with several IBEC speakers


Auditori Antoni Caparrós, PCB Tower D, c/Baldiri Reixac 4-8, Barcelona, Spain

International conference with several IBEC speakers


Auditori Antoni Caparrós, PCB Tower D, c/Baldiri Reixac 4-8, Barcelona, Spain

International conference with several IBEC speakers