IBEC participates in the Mater Project

Mater is a Fomento de las Artes y del Diseño (FAD) project for the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, born from the increasing importance of materials in the development of our society. It starts with the exhibition “Mater in progress. New materials, new industry”, which revolves around innovation and technological development through materials, and is on show at the Sala de Exposiciones FAD (plaça dels Àngels 5-6), from February 8 until April 28, 2008.

IBEC’s group on Bionanophotonics publishes article on cover page of ChemPhysChem

IBEC’s Bionanophotonics research line, led by Prof. María García-Parajo, together with researchers from Mesa+ Institute for Technology of the University of Twente (The Netherlands), the Nijmegen Center for Molecular Life Sciences (The Netherlands) and the Institute of Photonic Sciences (Barcelona) have been given the cover page of the July 16 ChemPhysChem issue (Volume 8 Issue 10).

The textbook Molecular Cell Biology selects a figure from a nanobioengineering researcher at IBEC

The prestigious reference textbook Molecular Cell Biology (Lodish et al.) has selected for its 6th edition (2008) a figure from the researcher at the nanobioengineering laboratory at the IBEC, Dr. Xavier Fernández-Busquets. Thanks to this important recognition of scientific excellence, the IBEC is the only Spanish institution appearing in the acknowledgements of the textbook, out of a total of 150 universitites and research centres.

Ruth Diez-Ahedo, premio al mejor póster en el ESF-EMBO Symposium en Sant Feliu de Guixols

Ruth Diez-Ahedo, doctoranda en el IBEC, ha recibido el premio al mejor póster titulado «Tailored ICAM-1 patterned surfaces to study the nano-scale organisation of the adhesion receptor LFA-1», concedido por el European Science Foundation (ESF) y European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Symposium on Biological Surfaces and Interfaces que se celebró en Sant Feliu de Guíxols del 1 al 6 de julio de 2007.