EIT selecciona el consorcio ‘Innolife’ para el nuevo KIC en salud

HealthEl Instituto de Bioingeniería de Cataluña (IBEC) es socio en el proyecto ganador de la nueva convocatoria Comunidad para el Conocimiento y la Innovación (del inglés KIC) centrada en vida saludable y el envejecimiento activo.

Innolife, un consorcio de 144 empresas europeas, universidades e institutos de investigación – entre los que se incluye al IBEC – ha sido seleccionados por el Instituto Europeo de Innovación y Tecnología (del inglés EIT) como constituyentes de la comunidad de conocimiento e innovación para la salud.


Former members Prof. Alícia Casals | Group leader Now: UPC / Associated researcher, IBEC The growing potential of robotics in the medical field leads to face challenging problems, but at … Read more

Molecular dynamics at cell-biomaterial interface

We are interested in cell–biomaterials interaction, and more specifically, on the dynamic formation of the provisional extracellular matrix (ECM) – the thin protein layer that cells recognize, produce, and remodel … Read more

Nanoscale bioelectrical characterization

The main goal of the Nanoscale Bioelectrical Characterization group is to develop a multiscale approach to Bioelectricity, covering from the nano- to the microscale. To this end the group combines … Read more


The Nanobioengineering group is a truly multidisciplinary team composed by researchers coming from very diverse backgrounds working together in applying nanotechnology for the development of new biomedical systems and devices, … Read more

Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches

Research in the laboratory focuses on developing nanoscale tools to study biological systems. These tools include instrumentation based on proximity probes, such as electrochemical tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy and single … Read more

Molecular and Cellular Neurobiotechnology

Our research interests are focused on three main aspects of developmental neurobiology and neurodegeneration: development of new lab on chip devices for neurobiological research, new strategies to avoid α-synuclein and tau transport in … Read more

Microbial biotechnology and host-pathogen interaction

1. Structure and function of bacterial proteins that modulate virulence expression Protein–protein and protein–DNA interactions play key roles in the ability of virulent bacteria to adapt to the host environment … Read more

Integrative cell and tissue dynamics

We aim at understanding how physical forces and molecular control modules cooperate to drive biological function. We develop new technologies to map and perturb the main physical properties that determine … Read more

Control of stem cell potency

[br] Heart regeneration in the zebrafish / Mechanisms of induced reprogramming to pluripotency / Disease modeling through induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells / Induced reprogramming to cardiogenic mesoderm / Bioengineering … Read more