Llegando más lejos

El Parque Científico de Barcelona (PCB), donde se halla el IBEC, acaba de lanzar una nueva plataforma para dar a conocer las actividades de las 75 empresas y tres institutos de investigación que trabajan ahí.

Shedding light on misbehaving cells (Spa)

Much like a kindergarten full of unruly toddlers, the cells that contribute to the body’s crucial processes can’t always be trusted to do what you want or expect them to do. Now IBEC researchers have made an important breakthrough that could contribute to the development of therapies for spinal and neural diseases:  they’ve figured out exactly what it is that makes certain cells misbehave in particular circumstances.

IBEC/UPC spin-off for surgical robotics (Spa)

A new spin-off company created by IBEC and the UPC will focus on the manufacture and marketing of surgical systems.

Rob Surgical Systems Inc., a technology company driven by IBEC group leader Alicia Casals and senior researcher Manuel Frigola, as well as Josep Amat of the Automatic Control and Computer Engineering Department of the UPC, was approved by the university’s governing council on Friday.