The IBEC Sustainability Committee was created at the end of 2020, with the support of the Direction of IBEC.
IBEC Sustainabilty Committee is composed by members of the different profiles of the institute: Researchers, Technicians and Administration.

In addition, each Research Group has an Ecorep that is the direct intermediate between the Committee and the Research Groups.
Please contact the Ecorep in your group for any query about procedures at your lab or IBEC to make Research more sustainable.
- Teresa Sanchis – Strategic Initiatives
- Isabel Oliveira – Core Facilities
- Cristina Arimany – Strategic Initiatives
- Inmaculada Moreno – Core Facilities
- Maria Arista – Communication & PR unit
- Anabel-Lise Le Roux – Cellular and Molecular Mechanobiology
- Karolina Zimkowska – Molecular and Cellular Neurotechnology
- Berta Pla – Finance unit
- Núria Camarero – Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches
- Ona Baguer – Cellular and Molecular Mechanobiology
- Mònica Purciolas – Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics
- Zarina Nauryzgaliyeva – Pluripotency for organ regeneration
- Gülsun Bagci – Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies
- Alba Herrero – Molecular Imaging for Precision Medicine
- Alice Perucca – Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics
- Andrés Crespo – Nanobioengineering
- Peter Pfeifer – Molecular Bionics
- Mar Chaguaceda – Sustainability Officer
- Molecular Bionics: Barbara Borges
- Protein phase transitions in health and disease: Trinidad Sanmartín
- Biomaterials for regenerative therapies: Dario Castellana
- Nanoscale bioelectrical characterization: Aurora Dols
- Nanoprobes and nanoswitches: Núria Camarero
- Biomimetic systems for cell engineering: Aitor Otero
- Pluripotency for organ regeneration: Zarina Nauryzgaliyeva
- Biosensors for bioengineering: Ainhoa Ferret and Ainoa Tejedera
- Molecular and cellular neurobiotechnology: Karolina Zimkowska
- Cellular and molecular mechanobiology and Integrative cell and tissue dynamics: Anabel-Lise Le Roux and Mònica Purciolas
- Nanobioengineering: Miriam Funes
- Biomaterials for Neural Regeneration: Susana Rodríguez
- Smart Nano-Bio-Devices: Valerio Di Carlo
- Bacterial Infections: Antimicrobial Therapies: Joel Alvarez
- Bioengineering in Reproductive Health: Amélie Godeau
- Core Facilities: Inmaculada Moreno
- Research Management: Cristina Arimany and Berta Pla
- Bioengineering in reproductive health : Amélie Luise Godeau
- Protein phase transitions in health and disease: Trinidad Sanmartín Olmo
- Bacterial infections: antimicrobial therapies: Joel Alvarez Puig
- Biomimetic systems for cell engineering: Aitor Otero Tarrazón
- Biomaterials for neural regeneration: Susana Rodríguez González
- Biomaterials for regenerative therapies: Dario Castellana
- Smart nano-bio-devices: Valerio Di Carlo
For inquiries about the committee or the IBEC STRATEGY TO PROMOTE SUSTAINABILITY IN RESEARCH please contact