«Alícia Casals, Cap del grup de Robòtica a l’IBEC» (Spa)
IBEC’s Robotics group leader Alícia Casals is the subject of the February 2012 edition of Destacamus, a bimonthly magazine published by Biopol’H which profiles researchers.
IBEC’s Robotics group leader Alícia Casals is the subject of the February 2012 edition of Destacamus, a bimonthly magazine published by Biopol’H which profiles researchers.
IBEC director and head of the Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies group Josep Planell was quoted as an expert opinion last week in an article in La Vanguardia. The story covered a new chip developed at MIT able to release drugs under the skin while dosage and timing is controlled wirelessly.
This week’s 5th Annual Conference of the Biomedical Research Technology Platforms in Barcelona, which IBEC is attending in its capacity as coordinator of the Spanish Nanomedicine Platform (NanoMed Spain), is the subject of an article in Spanish healthcare magazine Redacción Médica today.
La web del European Research Media Center’s website, youris.com, presenta un artículo sobre el proyecto MySpine, coordinado por el responsable de grupo del IBEC Damien Lacroix.
IBEC’s research will be featured on the TV3 news tonight in an item filmed to highlight the forthcoming ‘La Marató de TV3’ telethon on Sunday.
La responsable del grupo de Robótica, Alícia Casals, será entrevistada en el programa de Catalunya Ràdio «El Café de la República» el jueves 3 de noviembre a las 22:00. Este popular programa de noche habla de las noticias del día y los ‘temas candentes’ del momento.
Elisabeth Engel, investigadora Senior researcher del grupo Bio/non-bio interactions for regenerative medicine, ha sido entrevistada para obtener su opinión experta sobre la investigación sobre regeneración ósea llevad a cabo por investigadores italianos.