IBEC’s research on Telenotícies
IBEC’s research will be featured on the TV3 news tonight in an item filmed to highlight the forthcoming ‘La Marató de TV3’ telethon on Sunday.
IBEC’s research will be featured on the TV3 news tonight in an item filmed to highlight the forthcoming ‘La Marató de TV3’ telethon on Sunday.
La responsable del grupo de Robótica, Alícia Casals, será entrevistada en el programa de Catalunya Ràdio «El Café de la República» el jueves 3 de noviembre a las 22:00. Este popular programa de noche habla de las noticias del día y los ‘temas candentes’ del momento.
Elisabeth Engel, investigadora Senior researcher del grupo Bio/non-bio interactions for regenerative medicine, ha sido entrevistada para obtener su opinión experta sobre la investigación sobre regeneración ósea llevad a cabo por investigadores italianos.
The Biomechanics and Mechanobiology group’s latest paper, published yesterday in PLoS Computational Biology, made the BBC news today. Andrea Malandrino, Jérôme Noailly and group leader Damien Lacroix’s paper, ‘The effect of sustained compression on oxygen metabolic transport in the intervertebral disc decreases with degenerative changes’ describes results that could help to predict the onset of spinal disc degeneration.
The Molecular and Cellular Neurotechnology group’s recent paper on the development of epilepsy made the news today in Diario Medico, Spain’s leading newspaper for health professionals.
PhD student Xavier Giralt was interviewed for the ‘Gente corriente’ section on the back page of Saturday’s El Periódico.
El proyecto Neurochem, Biologically inspired computation for chemical sensing, ha aparecido en la edición de julio de la newsletter FET (Future and Emerging Technologies in Europe) que publica la Comisión Europea.
The Biomechanics and Mechanobiology group’s work and Damien Lacroix’s recent ERC grant is the subject of an article in this month’s Teraflop, the magazine of the Centre de Serveis Científics i Acadèmics de Catalunya (CESCA).