IBEC en los medios
“Volem que el nostre coneixement es traslladi al sector de la salut” (Spa)
En la edición de hoy del periódico Ara, el director asociado del IBEC Josep Samitier es entrevistado en un artículo de una página entera. En él, le habla al periodista Joan García sobre la historia y las metas del IBEC, sus éxitos y los desafíos a los que se enfrenta.
BioNanoMed Catalunya en TV3
La rueda de prensa oficial para el lanzamiento de BioNanoMed Catalunya, la plataforma para promover sinergías entre grupos, universidades, hospitales y empresas que investigan en nanotecnología aplicada a la salud y en biotecnología que está liderada por el IBEC, apareció en el Telenotícies Migdia de TV3 del 13 de mayo.
«Descubierta una nueva célula en el cuerpo humano»
IBEC group leader Ángel Raya is quoted in an article in La Vanguardia about recent research from Harvard that has discovered a cell type previously unknown in the human body.
«La nanomedicina, clave del diagnóstico precoz»
An article entitled «Nanomedicine, the key to early diagnosis» including an interview with IBEC associate director Josep Samitier appears in Diario Medico.
«System Automatically Monitors Apnea-Hypopnea Index»
Some recent research by the Biomedical Signal Processing and Interpretation group has been featured in the section ‘Literature Review: A roundup of the most important recent studies’ in ENT Today magazine.
«Imaginenano 2011: Primer evento global en España de nanociencia y nanotechnología»
Coverage in El País of Imaginenano, one of the largest European events in nanoscience and nanotechnology which took place on 11-14 April at Bilbao Exhibition Centre, in which IBEC took part.
«Sin un andamio de apoyo»
IBEC associate director Josep Samitier is an expert opinion quoted in El Periodico last week regarding a story about a Japanese study that succeeded in growing an embryonic eye from the stem cells of mice.
«Protecting nanotechnology research results»
IBEC’s recently completed FP7 project on technology transfer, Nano2Market, was featured in the recent Commission’s Research*EU magazine supplement (Vol. 30, December 2010/January 2011).
El 9 Nou: «Cal connectar les mans robotiques amb el nervi perquè rebin ordres»
Robotics group leader Alícia Casals appeared last week in Catalan local paper El 9 Nou, which covers the Osona/Ripollès and Vallès Oriental areas. Alícia gave a lecture about this century’s challenges in robotics at the 3rd Workshop on Mechatronics at the University of Vic on 16 February.