E-News Biocat: «Nanomedicine: Where Nanotechnology, biotechnology and the health sciences come together»
IBEC associate director Josep Samitier is a contributor to the January edition of Biocat’s e-newsletter.
IBEC associate director Josep Samitier is a contributor to the January edition of Biocat’s e-newsletter.
The 12 November press release about the Molecular and Cellular Neurobiotechnology group’s research on inhibitory molecules in neuroregeneration, ‘Beating the regeneration blockers’, was picked up by various online scientific and health news sites including www.sciencedaily.com, the UK’s MS Trust and Cell DNA.
An interview with Biomechanics and mechanobiology group leader Damien Lacroix about the new EU-project he coordinates, MySpine, has been broadcast on Ràdio 4’s L’Observatori programme.
An interview with IBEC group leader María appears in the online newsletter of the PCB.
«A Question of Limits» – an article written by associate director Josep Samitier to accompany a feature by El Pais journalist Mónica López Ferrado, «Los ‘nanoriesgos’ no son tan diminutos» («‘Nanorisks’ are not so small’).
The Baix Llobregat-based weekly El Far mentions the signature of the agreement between IBEC and the Biopol’H consortium which took place on September 17.
IBEC Project manager Juan Fran Sangüesa made the news on 22 September when he was interviewed for the midday bulletin on TV3, the Catalan television channel.
Interview with Samuel Stupp, known worldwide for his contributions to tissue regeneration. Prof. Stupp participated with a keynote talk about this subject at the 3rd IBEC Symposium on Bioengineering and Nanomedicine. He is the director of the Institute for BioNanotechnology in Medicine, Northwestern University, USA.