Memorandum of Understanding

Tsukuba, Japan. On 24th of July NIMS (National Institute for Materials Science) of Japan, and IBEC (Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for collaboration on the “Design of Biomaterials Surfaces and Biosensors for Cell Function Manipulation and Analysis”.

(Avenços en regeneració neuronal)

El Prof. José Antonio del Río, cap de la línea de Neurobiotecnologia Molecular i Cel·lular de l’IBEC, ha participat en un treball sobre regeneració neuronal publicat a la prestigiosa revista Chemistry and Biology del grup Cell.

(Sentir i comprimir el citoplasma)

Investigador de l’IBEC en col·laboració amb un equip encapçalat per Harvard apareix a la revista PNAS

«La cèl·lula eucariota és com una bossa opaca a escala micromètrica i la naturalesa del seu contingut és desconeguda».

SMALL cover for researchers

The first cover of a top nano-science journal this month features the work of several IBEC researchers. The journal Small (Volume 5. No. 11 – June 5 2009) dedicates its cover to a paper published by four researchers from IBEC´s BioNanoPhotonics group led by Dra. María García-Parajo and two scientists from the Nijmegen Center for Molecular Life Sciences (NCMLS), in the Netherlands.

Researcher at IBEC publishes in Nature Physics

An article by Dr. Xavier Trepat, senior researcher of IBEC´s Cellular and respiratory biomechanics group and the Department of Physiology Sciences of the University of Barcelona, contributes for the first time an experimental answer to the question of how cells move during biological processes as diverse as the development, metastasis, or regeneration of tissues.

ISC annual meeting

Members of IBEC International Scientific Committee and the directors of the Institute held their annual meeting, to follow up on the scientific activities developed by the fourteen lines of research that operate in the centre.