Project Manager of Knowledge

Data límit: 18/05/2021

The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), a cutting-edge research center based in Barcelona, is looking for a Project Manager of knowledge to deploy IBEC’s Open Science Pillar, especially in what refers to the coordination and management of research data and publications.

This is an exciting full-time, development opportunity for a new Project Manager to join the Strategic Initiatives unit and reporting to the Head of the Unit.

The Strategic Initiatives Unit provides strategic advice and support to the Director in the deployment of the Strategic Plan of IBEC. Among others, the unit fosters and coordinates (a) institutional and strategic projects and alliances such as Severo Ochoa, BIST, EIT Health and institutional networks as the NanoMed Spain, (b) international alliances and partnerships, (c) the scientific activities of the institute and (d) open science deployment.

The contract will be funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación within the Severo Ochoa framework.

Senior Researcher – Talent Retention Programme 2021

Application Deadline: 14/05/2021

In 2021, the Senior Researcher – Talent Retention Programme aims to open 2 positions to consolidate senior researchers.
The Objectives of the Programme are:

– To provide a long-term career pathway for senior researchers
– To retain talent within IBEC
– To provide IBEC groups with a more robust structure

Junior Developer

Data límit: 23/04/2021
Ref: JD_CO

L’Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC) requereix incorporar un/-a Junior Developer que reportarà directament al Integrated Management System Developer, per dissenyar, desenvolupar i donar suport al portal de la intranet, les aplicacions ERP i els processos de treball automatitzats.

Postdoc researcher at the Cellular and Molecular Mechanobiology Research Group

Application Deadline: 06/04/2021
Ref: PD-PR

The Cellular and Molecular Mechanobiology Group is looking for a Post-doctoral researcher to work on mechanotransduction in breast epithelial cells. The contract will be within the framework of our research project, aiming to understand how cell adhesion, mechanotransduction, and nuclear forces regulate breast cancer.