Hystrainer: Surgical trainer for hysteroscopy surgery

Programa Indústria del Coneixement LLAVOR 2014

Projecte summary:

The medical community has a growing interest in the correct acquisition of surgical abilities by new surgeons and residents and proposes training and accreditation programs. A correct training results in benefits on both, the patient, and the associated costs of the intervention and its follow up.

Hystrainer, HT, is a new training and accreditation platform that integrates a complete educational program with a simulator for the acquisition of the required knowledge and abilities in the hysteroscopy field. HT offers a communication channel, training and supervision from specialists. It has been designed together with the current chair of the European Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) aiming to be integrated in the GESEA Programme (Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgical Education and Assessment).

HT uses internet to connect each unit to a global program that includes theoretical lectures, multimedia, online courses and connection with specialists. HT records and analyses the execution of the training exercises and provides a virtual reality feedback to assist its users in their training and learning of surgical procedures, thus decreasing the need of mentors.

HT, as simulator, is the result of combining two technologies: a physical and a virtual simulator. Their combined use reinforces each other. HT is composed of a workspace (vagina, cervix and uterus), a set of sensors to record all relevant data and a computer with an interactive screen provided with augmented reality.

HT is the first prototype of a set of simulators oriented to various surgical fields. Its modular design enables its reusability in fields like cystoscopy, arthroscopy and minimally invasive transanal surgery, introducing minor changes. Currently, HT is being validated in various gynaecological departments of public hospitals in Spain and Belgium. The first results with more than 30 subjects demonstrate its face and construct validity. In parallel, a pre-industrial prototype is in development.

Aquest projecte ha estat confinançat en el marc de la convocatòria d’ajuts per a projectes innovadors amb potencial d’incorporació al sector productiu (LLAVOR 2014) en un 50% pel Fons Europeus de Desenvolupament Regional de la Unió Europea en el marc del Programa operatiu FEDER de Catalunya 2014-2020

