The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) is looking for Master candidates to apply for Master fellowships within the IBEC Master Programme for 2024.
IBEC launches the 8th call of the Master Programme to encourage master students to begin a research career in our multidisciplinary research institution. The students will carry out research at one of IBEC’s research groups in Barcelona. The Master Programme offers a research experience under University agreement
IBEC Master Programme offers 4 six-month fellowships grants with a monthly stipend of 450€ gross starting from January 16th 2025 to perform their Master thesis at IBEC. The minimum dedication is 20h/week.
IBEC will provide students with additional complementary training opportunities. All fellows will commit themselves to participate in outreach and education activities for a minimum of 5h.
This project has received funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under the Severo Ochoa grant: CEX2023-001282-S.
Download complete information about the programme here.
Researcher career path at a glance: Spain (click image to download)
A visual guide to the different career stages for researchers in Spain and the public and private grants that can be applied for at each stage to work in the public sector or industry. The document includes links to the programme calls where further information can be found. (Published by MINECO’s Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).)
IBEC Master Programme: General requirements for all candidates (eligibility criteria)
- Candidates must have obtained a university degree or must hold an official university qualification from a country of the European Higher Education Area from 180 to 240 ECTS of official university studies at the time of deadline (31st October 2024).
- Candidates must have an average final mark of BSc of at least 7,57*[i]/10 (Spanish system) in Engineering and experimental sciences (physics, chemistry, etc.) or at least 8,00*/10 in Life sciences.
- Candidates should be admitted in an official Master Programme of a Catalan University by December 31st, 2024. Exceptions for non-local universities may occur if the study plan and university guidelines allow him/her to do an internship according to the requirements of this call. These cases will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
- Candidates must have a strong commitment to scientific research and an excellent academic record.
- Candidates must have a good working knowledge of English.
- Candidates are eligible for a period of 2 years following the end of the bachelor’s degree at the time of deadline.
- High motivation and ability to be involved in an international multidisciplinary team.
- Any mobility experience, participation in research projects and/or other merits will be considered as a valuable contribution.
- Candidates cannot be awarded another Master fellowship or any living allowance. (For instance an Erasmus grant).
In case, any student does not comply with the project and/or the required dedication, they will be evaluated and the fellowship can be terminated.
[1] For the future enrolment in the Master program, Universities in Catalonia only accepts an official translation of educational certificates
* Grades will be reviewed upon publication of the Ayudas para la formación de profesorado universitario (FPU) resolution.
If you studied outside Spain, to request an official conversion of your grades, you can process it through the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through this link. Note: The instructions are only in Spanish.
Application process and selection criteria
From September 16th 2024 to October 30th 2024, an online application form will be available through the IBEC Master Programme website. In your application, you will be able to choose up to two research groups you would be willing to join.
The research groups of Associated researchers are also eligible as long as the Master thesis is co-supervised by an IBEC group leader.
IBEC Group Leaders will be asked to support the candidatures interested in his/her groups. Before applying all candidates are asked to contact the IBEC Group Leaders or Associated Researchers they are interested in to get more information about the groups and the projects.
The 4 fellowships will be assigned to the best candidates after evaluation process, with the only limitation that each research group of IBEC will be able to host up to one fellow.
You will be required to provide in the online application tool the following information:
- Personal data.
- Cover letter, including motivation for applying.
- A soft copy of your Certified Academic Record, showing grades obtained (degree). If these are not in Catalan, Spanish or English, applicants should attach a translation in one of these languages.1
- Education. For BSc obtained in non-Spanish universities, to standardize the final marks in your application form, we will need that you submit your educational certificate using the relation of scales of foreign grades to the equivalent Spanish grades provided by the General Secretariat of Universities of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (instructions and template included in the application form).
- Mobility and research experience.
- In the application form the candidate will put in order of priority up to 3 group leaders or Associated Researchers. At least the candidate should select a minimum of 2 research groups of their interest.
- Candidates must inform about the title and University of the Master Programme in which they wish to enrol.
- The registration form must be duly completed and submitted before the deadline of the registration.
1 For the future enrolment in the Master program, Universities in Catalonia only accepts an official translation of educational certificates.

IBEC is awarded with the ‘Human Resources Excellence in Research’ seal from the European Commission, in recognition of its commitment to continuously improving its People Management policies in line with The European Charter of Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (the Charter and Code).
Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-RHRHR) is one of the main pillars of the Charter and Code, and a top priority of the European Research Area.
Our Recruitment and Selection Policy is based on the OTM-R strategy and its final objective is to ensure that the best candidate for the job is selected, guaranteeing equal opportunities and access for all. Our commitment to OTM principles can also be found in our Equal opportunities and management diversity plan.
The selection processes are governed by the following principles:
- Transparency throughout the whole process.
- Equal opportunities in the selection and hiring.
- Non-discrimination on grounds of sex, age, ethnic, national or social origin, religion, sexual orientation, language, disability, political opinions or social and economic condition.
- Merit-based evaluation.
- Confidentiality as the cornerstone of the selection process.
- Principle of public dissemination of selection processes.
- Efficiency and effectiveness according to the methodology and agreed terms.
- Selection processes adapted to the job announcement.
- Compliance with the policy as a key element in achieving the objectives of the process.
- In line with our Values and Strategic Plan.
IBEC groups
Please feel free to contact our group leaders. They will be happy to answer your questions.
Group: Biomaterials for Neural Regeneration Group leader: Zaida Álvarez (zalvarez@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Molecular Bionics Group leader: Giuseppe Battaglia (gbattaglia@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Protein phase transitions in health and disease Group leader: Benedetta Bolognesi (bbolognesi@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Biomaterials for regenerative therapies Group leader: Elisabeth Engel (eengel@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Nanomalaria Group leader: Xavier Fernández Busquets (xfernandez@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Nanoscale bioelectrical characterization Group leader: Gabriel Gomila (ggomila@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Nanoprobes and nanoswitches Group leader: Pau Gorostiza (pgorostiza@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Biomedical signal processing and interpretation Group leader: Raimón Jané (rjane@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Molecular Imaging for Precision Medicine Group leader: Irene Marco-Rius (imarco@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Signal and information processing for sensing systems Group leader: Santi Marco (smarco@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Biomimetic systems for cell engineering Group leader: Elena Martínez (emartinez@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: iPSCs and activation of endogenous tissue programs for organ regeneration Group leader: Núria Montserrat (nmontserrat@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Targeted therapeutics and nanodevices Group leader: Silvia Muro (smuro@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Bioengineering in reproductive health Group leader: Samuel Ojosnegros (sojosnegros@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Biosensors for bioengineering Group leader: Javier Ramón (jramon@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Molecular and cellular neurobiotechnology Group leader: José Antonio del Rio (jadelrio@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Cellular and molecular mechanobiology Group leader: Pere Roca-Cusachs (proca@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Bioinspired Interactive Materials and Protocellular Systems Group leader: César Rodriguez-Emmenegger (crodriguez@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Spatial Biotechnology Group leader: Xavier Rovira Clavé (xrovira@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Microenvironments for Medicine Group leader: Manuel Salmeron (msalmeron@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Nanobioengineering Group leader: Josep Samitier (jsamitier@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Smart nano-bio-devices Group leader: Samuel Sánchez (ssanchez@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Bacterial infections: antimicrobial therapies Group leader: Eduard Torrents (etorrents@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
Group: Integrative cell and tissue dynamics Group leader: Xavier Trepat (xtrepat@ibecbarcelona.eu) |
You can also perform your Master tesis in one of our Associated Researchers’s group.
Important dates
- From September 16th 2024 to October 30th 2024, the reception of applications will remain open.
- From October 31st to November 8th 2024, applications will be eligibility checked by People Management Unit.
- From November 09th to November 24th 2024, applications will be reviewed by a selection committee composed by IBEC group leaders and administration staff.
- From November 25th to 28th 2024, offers will be made to the successful candidates.
- IBEC Master fellows should take up their positions from January 16th 2025.
Training activities for masters students
IBEC provides Seminars with top names in bioengineering and nanomedicine from all over the world to offer the opportunity to discuss and network the developments. At the same time IBEC provides PhD discussions and Training opportunities for young researchers.
The Training courses at IBEC offer continuing development of transferable skills and competencies that can help Master students to be better prepared for today’s rapidly changing environments, thus ensuring that are given the opportunity for professional development and for improving their employability. Specifically, IBEC aims at preparing Master students to deliver brilliant research while giving them the opportunity to make the next steps onwards in their careers. You can check here in our Training Catalogue. The institute also holds an annual symposium on a different scientific theme, as well as hosting and organizing several other project-based or general scientific meetings and workshops throughout the year.
Results of the 2023 call
The following four candidates were granted a fellowship in the 2023 call:
David Galvez · Theory and computation for cell and tissue mechanics
Andrea Loeza · Molecular and Cellular Neurobiotechnology
Albert Ripoll · Bacterial Infections: Antimicrobial Therapies
Martín Ruiz · Biosensors for bioengineering
Results of the 2022 call
The following four candidates were granted a fellowship in the 2022 call:
Oriol Colomer · Molecular Bionics
Mar Hernaez · Translational Microenvironment Research in Lung Cancer and Lung Fibrosis and Cellular and molecular mechanobiology
Tom White · Nanobioengineering
Grace Palmer · Smart-Nano-Bio devices
Results of the 2021 call
The following four candidates were granted a fellowship in the 2021 call:
Carla Folgado · Protein Phase Transitions in Health and Disease
María Del Moral · Targeted therapeutics and nanodevices
Aina Albajar · Cellular and molecular mechanobiology
Ricard Artiga · Pluripotency for organ regeneration
Results of the 2020 call
The following four candidates were granted a fellowship in the 2020 call:
Andrea Guerrero Garcia · Nanobioengineering
Sara Mato González · Nanoscopy for nanomedicine
Maria Sellés Altés · Molecular and cellular neurobiotechnology
Saniya Crouch · Nanomalaria
Results of the 2019 call
The following four candidates were granted a fellowship in the 2019 call:
Diego Baranda Martínez-Abascal · Cellular and molecular mechanobiology
Berta Piqué Smith · Molecular and cellular neurobiotechnology
Uxue Aizarna Lopetegui · Biomaterials for regenerative therapies
Kayleigh Earle · Bacterial infections: antimicrobial therapies
Results of the 2018 call
The following four candidates were granted a fellowship in the 2018 call:
Raquel Alonso Román – Biomimetic Systems for Cell Engineering
Domingo Marchan del Pino – Bacterial Infections: Antimicrobial Therapies
Elena Laplaza Huesa – Pluripotency for organ regeneration
Jaume Bagué Companys – Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies
Results of the 2017 call
The following ten candidates were granted a fellowship in the 2017 call:
Marina Pavlova · Cellular and molecular mechanobiology group
Ignasi Granero Moya · Cellular and molecular mechanobiology group
Júlia Sala i Jarque · Molecular and cellular neurobiotechnology group
Luis Galán Palma · Pluripotent stem cells and activation of endogenous tissue programs for organ regeneration group
Neus Sanfeliu Cerdán · Bacterial infections: antimicrobial therapies group
Carlos Prieto Ramón · Biomedical signal processing and interpretation group
Jorge Verdú Añón · Synthetic, Perceptive, Emotive and Cognitive Systems group (SPECS)
Sergio Galve Ceamanos · Alicia Casals (Associate researcher)
Get in touch with us
If you have any further questions about Master Programme, or if there are particular issues you would like to discuss regarding your application, please contact master@ibecbarcelona.eu.