This page describes IBEC’s career progression programmes for scientists at senior researcher level or beyond, or those who are planning to start their own group.
For postdoc opportunities, visit the dedicated website. For opportunities for students and prior to postdoc level, see the For young scientists section of this website.
Researcher career path at a glance: Spain (click image to download)
A visual guide to the different career stages for researchers in Spain and the public and private grants that can be applied for at each stage to work in the public sector or industry. The document includes links to the programme calls where further information can be found. (Published by MINECO’s Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).)
Senior researchers – talent retention programme

Junior Group Leader programme: Tenure Track
To identify and incorporate new group leaders, as well as to support young researchers in establishing their own independent research lines, in 2011 IBEC set up a tenure track programme.
Applicants are expected to develop an ambitious project for their future group and to contribute to one or more of IBEC’s core applications areas. Apart from outstanding scientific output, candidates must prove that they are active in the application of competitive proposals as principal investigators. They must also have begun to establish their own research group by attracting and training new talent. Any mobility experience, e.g. a stay in another country/region will be considered as a valuable contribution.
Candidates will be evaluated by the IBEC Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) based on their scientific quality, the feasibility of the proposed scientific approach, the potential impact of their research, the added value to the current IBEC research programme and structure, and their ability to carry out efficient leadership and management.
Desirable competencies and skills are: Leadership; critical judgment in the identification and execution of research activities; strategic vision on the future of the research field; proven record in securing research funding / budgets / resources; team building and collaboration; excellent communication and networking skills.
Successful candidates will be appointed for an initial 4-year period with possibility of renewal. At the end of the fourth year, the Junior Group Leader will be evaluated by the ISC. A positive evaluation will allow the candidate to become a consolidated Group Leader.
Junior Group Leaders at IBEC are offered a start-up package and provided with suitable laboratory space and access to the state-of-the-art core facilities at IBEC. Moreover, they are assigned a research project manager to support them with the management of their projects and interaction with IBEC administrative staff.
Junior Group Leader positions are advertised on IBEC’s Jobs page.
Junior Group Leader programme: Non-Tenure Track
IBEC’s Junior Group Leader programme aims to identify and incorporate new group leaders, as well as to support young researchers in establishing their own independent research lines in a stimulating, interdisciplinary, collaborative and high quality international scientific environment.
Postdoctoral and senior researcher applicants are expected to develop an ambitious project for their future group and to contribute to one or more IBEC’s core applications areas.
Candidates will be evaluated by IBEC’s Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) based on their scientific quality, the feasibility of the proposed scientific approach, potential impact of their research, added value to the current IBEC research programme and structure, and their ability to carry out efficient leadership and management.
The successful candidate will be appointed for an initial 4-year period. At the end of the fourth year, the Junior Group Leader will be evaluated by the ISC. A positive evaluation will allow the candidate to extend their appointment for another 4 years.
Junior Group Leaders at IBEC are offered a start-up package and provided with suitable laboratory space, access to the state-of-the-art core facilities at IBEC and access to outstanding predoc students and postdoc researchers. Moreover, they are assigned a research project manager to support them with the management of their projects and interaction with IBEC’s friendly and researcher-oriented administrative staff. Emphasis is given to supporting their participation in competitive calls to start their own research line.
They also have the possibility to apply to IBEC calls for permanent group leaders.
Junior Group Leader positions are advertised on IBEC’s Jobs page.
ICREA Senior Call
The Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA) opens every year senior group leader positions in the following areas: Experimental Sciences & Mathematics and Engineering Sciences, Social & Behavioural Sciences, Humanities and Life & Medical Sciences.
IBEC encourage candidates to apply to this call and will support outstanding candidacies.
ICREA researchers are required to make substantial contributions to their own areas of research and to have a strong impact in the Catalan research system by becoming active members and leaders of the Catalan research community.
Applications must be submitted electronically at ICREA via its website within the corresponding application period. In order to apply, candidates need to have the support of the Catalan research institution where they will carry out their research activities.
Interested applicants to apply for an ICREA position at IBEC should send a letter of expression of interest and CV to (Reference: ICREA).
The selection committee formed by IBEC’s Director and the Scientific Advisory Board will evaluate all candidacies and decide which ones IBEC will support.