
by Keyword: Developing countries

Gonzalez, J -e, Rodriguez, M A, Caballero, E, Pardo, A, Marco, S, Farre, R, (2024). Open-source, low-cost App-driven Internet of Things approach to facilitate respiratory oscillometry at home and in developing countries Pulmonology 30, 180-183

Cuervo, R, Rodriguez-Lázaro, MA, Farré, R, Gozal, D, Solana, G, Otero, J, (2023). Low-cost and open-source neonatal incubator operated by an Arduino microcontroller Hardwarex 15, e00457

An unacceptably large number of newborn infants die in developing countries. For a considerable number of cases (particularly in preterm infants), morbidity and mortality can be reduced by simply maintaining newborn thermal homeostasis during the first weeks of life. Unfortunately, deaths caused by prematurity remain inordinately common in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) due to reduced access to incubators in light of the high cost of commercially available devices. We herein describe and test a low-cost and easy-to-assemble neonatal incubator created with inexpensive materials readily available in LMICs. The incubator is based on an Arduino microcontroller. It maintains controlled temperature and relative humidity inside the main chamber while continuously measuring newborn weight progress. Moreover, the incubator has a tilting bed system and an additional independent safety temperature alarm. The performance of the novel low-cost neonatal incubator was evaluated and successfully passed the IEC 60601-2-19 standards. In the present work, we provide all the necessary technical information, which is distributed as open source. This will enable assembly of very low-cost (<250 €) and fully functional incubators in LMICs that should help reduce neonatal mortality.© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

JTD Keywords: arduino, control systems, developing countries, low-cost, low-resource regions, noise, preterm infant, Arduino, Control systems, Developing countries, Low-cost, Low-resource regions, Mortality, Neonatal incubator, Preterm infant