by Keyword: Physics of Intelligence
Arsiwalla, X. D., Signorelli, C. M., Puigbo, J. Y., Freire, I. T., Verschure, P., (2018). What is the physics of intelligence?
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (ed. Falomir, Z., Gibert, K., Plaza, E.), IOS Press (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Volume 308: Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 283-286
In the absence of a first-principles definition, the concept of intelligence is often specified in terms of its phenomenological functions as a capacity or ability to solve problems autonomously. Whenever an agent, biological or artificial, possesses this ability, it is considered intelligent, otherwise not. While this description serves as a useful correlate of intelligence, it is far from a principled explanation that provides a general, yet precise definition along with predictions of mechanisms leading to intelligent behavior. We do not want an explanation to depend on any functionality that itself might be a consequence of intelligence. A possible conceptualization of a function-free approach might be to formulate the concept in terms of dynamical information complexity. This constitute a first step towards a statistical mechanics theory of intelligence. In this paper, we outline the steps towards a physics-based definition of intelligence.
JTD Keywords: Complexity, Information Theory, Physics of Intelligence