We provide information to the media on important research news, technological developments and announcements of major projects. The press office also coordinates journalist and media visits to the institute to conduct interviews with scientists or film in the labs.
For videos and multimedia, visit our YouTube channel.

Find an expert
This directory provides news media with contact information for IBEC experts willing to speak with reporters regarding matters relating to their area of expertise. Please look for a keyword on the topic you are looking for, and if there is no one listed, please contact us in the Communications office (+34 934 034 744).
Topic | Expert | Position |
Nanobioengineering | Josep Samitier | IBEC Director |
Stem cells | Núria Montserrat | Junior Group Leader |
Antibiotic resistance | Eduard Torrents | IBEC Group Leader |
Neurodegenerative diseases | José Antonio del Río | IBEC Group Leader |
Malaria | Xavier Fernández-Busquets | Head of Joint Unit IBEC-CRESIB |
Receive press releases
Journalists must register in order to receive our embargoed press releases.
Image library
Please contact the Communications office (+34 934 034 744) if you require an image of a particular person, place or facility.
Visiting IBEC
If you’re a journalist or TV crew and you want to visit IBEC’s labs or interview any of our researchers on site, please contact:
Àngels López, Coordinator of Media Relations and Branding
IBEC | Baldiri Reixac 4 | 08028 | Barcelona
T. +34 934 037 299 | alopez@ibecbarcelona.eu