You’ll join a community of outstanding researchers and skilled professionals devoted to conduct excellent interdisciplinary research at the frontiers of engineering and life sciences in order to generate new knowledge by putting together fields like nanomedicine, biophysics, biotechnology, tissue engineering and the applications of health information technology.
Our aim is to provide you with a positive candidate experience. We offer a wide range of challenging scientific and non-scientific positions.
View our open scientific and technical positions.
View our non-scientific (administration and core facilities) opportunities.
Click here for a list of all previously advertised positions that are now filled.
IBEC offers attractive conditions and benefits to attract and retain the brightest talent, promoting wellbeing and an adequate work-life balance.
- International Environment: The institute currently has 22 research groups, 380 researchers and staff from more than 40 different countries. IBEC’s headquarters and most of its labs are located in the Parc Científic de Barcelona. A few of IBEC’s labs are located at other sites (UPC Diagonal Besòs and UB Faculty of Medicine), all of which provide the clinical, equipment or collaborative requirements specific to those groups.
- Multidisciplinary Research: The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) conducts excellent interdisciplinary research at the frontiers of engineering and life sciences in order to generate new knowledge by putting together fields like nanomedicine, biophysics, biotechnology, tissue engineering and the applications of health information technology.
- Continuous Training: IBEC’s mission is achieved by carrying out different objectives, one of which is to train the next generation of experts in healthcare technologies.
The Training Catalogue contains scientific tools and techniques and transversal skills and competencies that can help our IBEC community members to be better prepared for today’s rapidly changing environments, thus ensuring that are given the opportunities for professional development and for improving their employability. The training activities offered are included in the following categories: a) Transferable skills, b) Scientific tools and techniques, c) Risk prevention and d) Languages. Examples include research seminars and conferences, training in time management, research integrity, oral and writing skills, diversity and gender equality, health and safety, and wellbeing tools). - Language Courses: English is the working language at IBEC. However, good Spanish or Catalan skills facilitate the start of your new life in Barcelona and may find that learning Spanish or Catalan will help you to integrate more easily.
- Relocation & Visa Assistance: Induction programme to facilitate incorporation at IBEC and additional support for foreigners to obtain Visa-working permit and to install in Barcelona is provided.
- Measures to reconcile work and family life (maternity and paternity leave, flexible schedule working hours, teleworking, 23 working days of paid holidays, 9 leave days for personal matters, among others).
- IBEC Wellbeing Programme: within the framework of IBEC Equal opportunities and diversity management plan, as well as the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers, different actions and benefits are implemented to improve our work-life balance and wellbeing from a social, individual, emotional and professional perspective.
IBEC Community members can enjoy yoga & pilates classes, mindfulness, PCB room for breastfeeding, special offers in kindergarten near IBEC, discounts with Universities UB and UPC which offers discounts for theatres, travel, insurances, sport centers, etc. - HR Excellence: IBEC is awarded the HR Excellence in Research from the European Commission. This award reflects our commitment to continuously improving our human resources policies in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
Researcher career path at a glance: Spain (click image to download)
A visual guide to the different career stages for researchers in Spain and the public and private grants that can be applied for at each stage to work in the public sector or industry. The document includes links to the programme calls where further information can be found. (Published by MINECO’s Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).)