IBEC winner to give address at RecerCaixa ceremony

The ceremony will take place at CosmoCaixa museum starting at 11:30am and will be hosted by Director General of the Fundació ”la Caixa”, Jaume Lanaspa, and the president of the Associació Catalana d’Universitats Públiques (ACUP), Roberto Fernández.

Two research projects at IBEC have been awarded funding under the RecerCaixa program: Alícia Casals’ “Desenvolupament d un sistema robòtic de baix cost d ajut a la rehabilitació de la marxa per a nens amb transtorns motors greus” and Elisabeth’s “Tendon Tissue Engineering: A Helping Hand for Rotator Cuff Tears (BIOTENDON)”. They were among just 26 successful proposals chosen from a total 362 applications submitted to the 2013 call, and will receive 77,000 and 65,000 respectively under the scheme, which is a joint initiative by the Associació Catalana d’Universitats Públiques (ACUP) and Obra Social la Caixa and was launched in 2010.

IBEC already has two other ongoing projects with funds from the scheme: InHands (Joan Aranda, Robotics group) and ‘Development of light-modulated ligands for remote, non-invasive regulation of neuropathic pain’ (Pau Gorostiza, Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches group).

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