Researchers shed new light on predicting spinal disc degeneration

The misery of lower back pain is, unfortunately, all too familiar to many people. Now researchers have taken a big step towards understanding one of the most common and debilitating complaints in the industrialized world, with results that could help to predict the onset of disc degeneration.

Back pain is closely related to ageing of the discs in the spine, a process characterized by a series of changes in their structure and function, but until now the chain of events that converts normal disc ageing into degenerative disease has not been properly understood.

Severo Ochoa finalists gather in Madrid

The MICINN meeting in Madrid which invited the directors of the Severo Ochoa shortlist was featured on the lunchtime news bulletin Telediario on national TV channel 1 yesterday (pictured) and appeared in several newspapers.

The power of AFM

The end of July is the abstract submission deadline for the International Meeting on AFM in Life Sciences and Medicine (AFM BioMed), to be held in Paris on 23-27 August, for which IBEC group leader Daniel Navajas is on the organizing committee.

Identifying an essential interaction for epilepsy

Scientists at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) describe a major step towards the understanding of epilepsy in a paper published in Molecular Biology of the Cell.

In the study, the researchers shed new light on the importance of a neuronal protein known as PrPc, which performs a number of physiological functions in many neural processes. When mutated or misfolded, the pathogenic form of the protein, PrPsc, induces progressive conditions that affect the brain and nervous system, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and BSE, while in epilepsy it appears that the healthy protein plays a preventative role.

IBEC passes the first stage of Severo Ochoa

The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) has been selected to go through to the next phase of the Ministry of Science and Innovation’s ‘Apoyo a Centros y Unidades de Excelencia Severo Ochoa’ programme, it was announced today.